The Lost Lamb

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Toga had been dragging Izuku all over town so that they could hang out until they got the payment from their last job, which had made it onto every news station. They had just gotten ice cream to celebrate their first job and their new relationship. They were walking along a pretty busy street when a sign caught Toga's eye. It was a sign looking for a missing person. She nearly stopped breathing when she saw the name Izuku Midoriya. He looked almost the same but in the picture he had green hair and emerald eyes instead of the crimson hair and ruby eyes she loved so much.

"Hey Izu." Toga called out to the boy. He turned to look at her. "Would you happen to know this handsome boy?" Shy sang out slyly.

"What are you... Oh." Having seen the poster Izuku stopped mid sentence. "Shit. Looks like my mom's looking for me."

"Did you not get along with her??" Toga asked curiously.

"No we got along just fine. I love my mom she just wouldn't like my new job." Izuku sighed and looked at his new girlfriend.

"Oh. But I want to meet her" Toga whined.

"Maybe some other time." Then Izuku started to walk off before a noise made him stop and looked down the alley it came from. He hesitated then moved into it. Toga sighed then followed her boyfriend.

"Hey lady just give us the money and no one gets hurt." 'Great two muggers with knifes harassing a middle aged lady' Toga told herself in an irritated why. Then she looked over at Izuku who had shifted to his Carnage look and was moving towards the muggers.

"Hey there boys." The two quickly turned only to be grabbed by the throats and lifted off the ground. The woman staired at Izuku stunned by his monster like appearance. Then Izuku through the two muggers against the wall and fired his new web like stuff to stick them to the wall and shut their mouths. "Stick around boys." Toga sighed at his pun in disappointment.

"W-who are yo--" the lady started to speak but fainted before she finished talking. Izuku stepped forward and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Izu do you..." Toga started but then stopped as Izuku held up a hand for a moment. Then his hand turned into a blade and slashed it across the two muggers throats and left them to bleed out after writing his name on the nearest wall.


Inko Midoriya woke up in her apartment in her bed with no memory of how she got there. Then it came back to her she was in an alley and, was attacked by some muggers then someone came too help her. She put her hand to her forehead as she only remembered blacking out but not getting back home. She got up and started to look through her house when she heard two voices.

"Izu. Izu look at me." The voice sounded female. "Why'd you jump in like that to help her and how'd you know where she lived?"

The the second male voice replied "Toga I couldn't let her get hurt she's my mother." At that news Inko nearly stopped breathing 'could it be'.

The the girl named Toga spoke "Your Mother!! Can I meet her? Please Izuku!!"

"Sure but only when she..." Inko started to open the door to her living room and the boy stopped talking.

Inko looked into her living room to see a boy who was unmistakably her son. Though now his hair is red and his emerald colored eyes were ruby colored. "Izuku??" Inko cried as she ran over to hug him.

"Hi mom." Izuku seemed uncomfortable as her hugged her back.

"Where have you been??" Inko was still crying it looked like waterfalls were streaming from her eyes.

"I um..." Izuku started to panic as he couldn't think of a good lie. Then his girlfriend came to the rescue.

"He's been with me. He was hurt in a villian attack and I've been taking care of him." Toga said quickly.

Inko turned to the girl with water works still streaming from her eyes. "Thank you so much. Who are you?"

"Oh. I'm Toga Izuku's girlfriend." Now Toga could feel the heat rising to her face as she turned as red as Izuku's eyes. Then Inko hugged her.

"Thank you so much for taking care of my baby." Inko was still crying as Izuku coughed to get her attention. Inko then turned around and hugged Izuku. "Oh my little boy is growing up so fast."

"By the way mom I'm going to be staying with Toga. Ok?" Now Izuku was starting to get worried.

Before Inko could say anything Toga spoke out. "He's been helping me settle into my new apartment since my parents kicked me out because, my quirk seemed evil. She had said the last bit with a hint of sorrow and Inko looked at her dumbfounded.

"I guess I can't say no of he's been helping you so much." But then Inko turned to Izuku. "But you need to behave yourself and, I don't want grandkids until your out of highschool and married." She said sternly.

Now Izuku was embarrassed. "Mom!! Do you really think I would do something like that."

"I know I just wanted to make sure. Now can you kids stay for a while and visit."

"Sure mom no problem." Then izuku went over and pulled his mom and girlfriend into a hug.


Later in the evening Toga and Izuku sat into their apartment. "So. what did you think of my mom?"

"She was so sweet. Just like a certain boy I know." Toga replied.

Izuku's face went bright red. "Thanks. By the way Toga we should be getting our money tomorrow so after that what do you want to do?"

"We could rent a movie and hangout."

"Really. Huh but when we get the movie I'm going to have to buy you dinner."

Toga laughed and leaned closer to her boyfriend. "Dork." Then she snuggled up to her boyfriend as they fell asleep on the couch.

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