Lots of Explanations

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Author's Note:

Ladies and gent's I'm back and more fucked up than before so here we are. If my writing suddenly turns very dark then I had a bad day (was depressed) so be warned about that. Not to worry though I still plan to finish this story.

I also plan to go back through this story removing the author's note chapters, and fixing grammar issues but that won't happen till my beta readers can get to it or I get new betas to help me out. Doesn't matter too much but thank you all for being so patient with me.

And a special thanks to void_boi65 (Wattpad) being called a God is probably one of the nicest complements my works have gotten and it meant a lot after a bad week.

PS: Yes I go through and read all the reviews I might not respond to all of them but I do read them.

Chapter Thirty-six

Izuku looked at his phone in shock long after he had hung up, he didn't even respond to his two lovers trying to get his attention as his shocked expression became a shit eating grin. He quickly dressed himself before returning to the world around him. He sheepishly glanced over at Toga and Jiro, "sorry about that something really important came up. Normally I'd say it could wait, but if all goes well we might be able to get Toga to a real hospital without getting arrested when the baby's due," he said softly as he gave the cat eyed girl a gentle smile.

"Hey wait a minute you never told me what your whole plan was!" Jiro whined.

"And you never really answered my question of why you fell for me, I guess we both have some explaining to do later." He gave the Earphone Jack quirk user as sly smile before he started to dial up someone on his cellphone. He puts the phone to his ear and waits for a moment as the room went quiet. "Hey Kurogiri I need you to open a portal outside my house. ... You know exactly where it is, I know sensei had you track my phone so don't toy with me. I need to see your boss soon unless you want to be out of a job."

A purple misty portal opened at one end of the room, which Izuku glared at the second it appeared. "No sense of tact at all," he whispered under his breath. "I'll see you two later, and don't worry Jiro I'll explain everything when I get back." With that the redheaded boy jumped into the portal.

Toga started to pout as soon the boy left "He didn't even kiss us goodbye."

Jiro sighed, "you know he's doing this for your sake right?"

"I know I just want him to be safe and, sniff, I miss him already." Toga began to tear up and quickly took refuge in Jiro's arms.

"Haaaa." 'Why do you always have your mood swings the second Izuku leaves? Am I going to be like that when ....' Jiro's face slowly began to turn crimson as she rubbed the back of the girl clinging to her.


Izuku stepped out of the portal and into the other bar he'd become very familiar with the League's back up base. It took him all of two seconds to spot the first true villain he'd ever called friend sitting by himself nursing a beer. He nodded to Kurogiri and walked past all the people to get to Shigaraki, ignoring the glares of people who thought he didn't belong. He'd made it about halfway across the room before someone caused a scene, "your one of Carnage's lackey's aren't you, two of our people were murdered in our last operation together without explanation. Heroes don't work like that and now you think you can waltz in and collect a reward? I say we send you back to Carnage in a body bag for what you freaks did." Izuku glanced behind him at the lizard like man yelling at him.

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