Start of Camp

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Izuku walked through a black misty portal with Mei, Jiro, and Soei right behind him. Jack had offered to stay behind and take care of Toga and Eri. They landed in a clearing in the middle of a forest. Izuku looked around and realized they were alone.

Soei reatched over and tapped on Izuku's shoulder. "Hey boss you never did tell us what are we doing here?"

Izuku looks over his shoulder at his team. "Oh shit that's right. We're here to capture a kid called Shoto Toderoki. Shigaraki wants to see if he can turn him into a villian." Izuku said watching the looks on the girl's faces carefully. They both seemed startled but didn't say anything. The group waited for a signal to start the search for the boy.


After about two hours later half the forest they were standing in erupted into blue flames. Jiro and Mei don their new demon masks that were like the others Izuku had made for the team. They were in the clothes/costumes they had on when Izuku picked them up at the USJ plus the masks. Mei and Jiro stayed with Izuku while Soei went off to scout ahead. After walking through the woods without finding anyone Mei saw something appalling. The blonde haired man with the scared eye was chasing a small child by a cliff edge.

Mei pointed them out to Izuku, who proceeded to blitz over there with the girls lagging behind.

Izuku climbed the cliff face in order to cut the time it would take to save the boy in half. Izuku jumped up over the edge of the cliff and landed behind the blonde man. Izuku grabbed his shoulder which stopped him from bashing the boy's head in against the mountain side. "What the hell are you doing?" Izuku asked royally pissed off.

The man looked back at Izuku with a smirk. "I'm sending the boy to see his parents, since their the one's who gave me this." He said pointing to his scar.

Izuku was beyond livid. "If you want to kill the kid you'd have to kill me first." Izuku tried to say more but the man had already thrown a punch.

Izuku jumped back and the man followed him aggressively. With every punch that Izuku dodged the ground or rocks that the fist contacted exploded around the impact points. The boy watched as the monster looking man fought to protect him. Izuku who was getting tired of dodging threw one punch as hard as he could into the scared man's exposed face. The force behind the punch was that of 250% of One for All. It knocked the man out instantly thanks to one of Mei's babies she gave him and he stored in his liquid body. It was a high powered taser capable of giving off twice as much electricity as Denki in short bursts.

Izuku looked up at the boy who he'd seen throwing water from his wrists at the man he'd just knocked out. "Hey kid can you fill that hole with water please." Izuku said as he pointed to one of the holes the man had made on his rampage. The boy nodded and did as he was asked. Izuku dragged the villian over to the water and tied his arms together. Then he forced the man's face into the water which woke him up. He thrashed and struggled but he eventually went still and died Izuku looked up at the boy to speak. "There kid now your parents can rest knowing you helped avenged them." Izuku patted the boy's head before he started to leave, since Jiro and Mei had finally arrived.

The boy called out to Izuku and what he said stopped him in his tracks. "Who are you, and why'd you save me?" Then he paused before continuing. "Can I ever be as strong as you are?"

Izuku turned to the boy and saw himself in the boy. "My name's Carnage kid. I used to be weak as well I know in my heart that with enough effort you can be strong too. Don't let anyone stop you from achieving your dreams." The boy looked up and smiled at Izuku who went on. "Now I need you to hide until one of the pro heros finds you so no other villians go after you." The boy nodded before ducking into a cave that Izuku hadn't noticed yet.

Jiro and Mei walked up behind Izuku and Mei tapped him on the shoulder. "Why'd you save that boy." She seemed genuinely confused.

"He reminded me of myself when I was his age. I couldn't just turn my back on someone who needs help even if I want to recreate society I won't give up on that." After Izuku finished he looked behind him and saw both girls grinning at him. "What?"

Jiro grinned at him and spoke first. "Your a cinnamon roll you know that right?" Izuku didn't know how to respond and just walked of obviously flustered. Both girls giggled at his obvious retreat.


Their little troop kept looking through the woods to find their mark or to take out any students they found along the way. Both Jiro and Mei took a lot of joy in beating the shit out of some kid they called Mineta. When they were done they told Izuku that the boy had sexually harassed most of the girls at their school them included. Izuku took great offense to a hero school letting someone like that in and yeeted the boy as hard as he could, he collided with a nearby tree and absolutely splattered everywhere. Not one of them batted an eye at the grape boy becoming grape juice.

They had kept walking through the forest when Jiro spotted a boy dragging the girl she was with at the USJ away from some chainsaw armed monstrosity. Izuku noticed Jiro was distressed by all of this and made an executive decision to intervene. He bolted between the creature and the students catching on chainsaw in each hand, then he head-butted it sending it back a few yards.

The girl who's name Izuku remembered was Momo had passed out and the boy was watching him terrified.

"W-who are you?"

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