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*Brendon's POV*
I woke up in a hospital bed. I think? It felt quite empty. A nurse walks in and informs me I have a visitor. Interesting! Who could it be? I tried to move but I have IV'S coming out my arms and my chest was in extreme pain. The door opens and that gorgeous girl I was talking about walks in. 

"Uh- hi," she says it in an awkward way. It makes me smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?

"Oh, nothing. I'm Brendon." I put my hand out but she doesn't shake it." Great start Brendon. Great start. I sigh.
"What's your name?"

"Oh uh, my name is Sarah Orzechowski."

"Oh, I love your name."

"Oh uh thank you."

*Sarah's POV*

     This Brendon guy is kinda cute not gonna lie. He had a bright smile and gorgeous brown eyes. I sit there gazing into his eyes. For a guy that just got beat, he's good looking.

"Oh uh, thanks for saving my life earlier Brendon." I shoot him a shy smile.

"No problem Sarah, it's my job I guess."
There is something about him that makes him different from other men. Wait, what am I saying? I barely even know who this guy is/
"Uh so Brendon, how old are you" The dumbest question he'll ever be asked.

"Oh I'm 24."  "Really? I'm also 24!"
We talked for a few more hours getting to know eachother.

"Wait what time is it?
It's 10:37 P.M. why?"

"Uh well I have a curfew, and um my dad is going to kill me if I'm late." I start panicking mentally.
I start heading out the room,

"Wait Sarah, visit me tomorrow please!"

*Brendon's POV*
      She probably didn't hear me but I guess we'll find out. I doze off into a deep darkness they called slumber. 


I'm excited about this book. It's gonna start coming along and the chapters should get much longer. Oh but please don't give up on me just yet. Have f a i t h !

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