Whyte Wyrm

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I groaned as my alarm went off the next morning. Rolling over, I picked up my phone only to find that it wasn't my alarm. It was my phone. I checked the time before pressing answer.

"Hello?" I said, my voice cracking as I woke up.

"(Y/N)? Did I wake you up?" I rubbed my eyes as I sat up in bed.

"It's fine FP. I always get up at eight in the morning. What did you need?" I got out of bed and started moving around the room to grab some clothes for the day. I put the phone on speaker and started to change.

"Is it possible to meet earlier today? In like half an hour? I didn't realize how much paperwork we'd actually have to do for you to work at the Wyrm and it's gonna take longer than I thought it would." FP said. He sounded a little stressed out. "I can give you a ride to the Wyrm and to Pop's to make it up to you." I let out a laugh.

"It's ok FP. Give me like fifteen minutes and I'll be ready." I said as I pulled my shirt over my head. "And don't worry about it." I paused to collect things for a shower and thought I heard FP mutter out a 'yeah right'. "I'll see you soon FP."

"See you soon (Y/N)." FP hung up and I hopped in the shower quick. I couldn't help but wonder why exactly he wanted to meet earlier. He said it was to go over paperwork but I didn't think it would take another two hours to do it. I got out and got dressed. By the time I had finished lacing up my shoes, there was a knock on the door. I jogged down the stairs and opened the door with a grin.

"Hello!" I said as I grabbed my jacket and stepped outside.

"Hello. You're awfully energetic." FP said. He had a coffee cup in each hand and was looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "I guess you don't need this." He raised a cup and smiled. I laughed and took the cup from him.

"I'll never turn down free coffee." I joked as I locked my door and followed FP to his truck. FP shook his head and we got into the truck.

"You sure you still want this job?" FP asked. I took a sip of my coffee and nodded.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. FP gave me a look out of the corner of his eye and raised an eyebrow. "FP you offered me a job. And you of all people know that working at a diner isn't really enough to bring in a large amount of money. So two jobs is double the pay." I reasoned with a shrug.

"If you say so." FP chuckled. I smiled over at him as I sipped my coffee.

"Maybe I'll finally be able to afford a car." I suggested. FP nodded. "Then you don't have to give me ride to Pop's all the time."

"I don't mind. I'm heading there anyway so I might as well." FP said. "Besides with you working at the Wyrm, I might as well give you a ride there too. That's through the more......" He paused and seemed to be trying to pick his words carefully. "The more dangerous part of the southside." I nodded.

"I figured you might say that." I said. "Which is why I have a proposition for you."

"And what might that be?"

"Everytime you give me a ride, I pay for dinner or lunch or coffee or something." I said. We came to a stop in front of what I assumed was the Whyte Wyrm. FP turned to look at me.

"Look. I get it. You want to repay me in some way for the rides. But like you said you want to save for a car. Having the two jobs will help with that yes but buying extra food will not. I get it and I'm not going to allow it." My jaw dropped as I looked at FP.

"I can do both." I shot back. FP chuckled and got out of the truck.

"Well come on. We'll discuss it later." He motioned for me to follow him into the bar. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

We All Go A Little MadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora