The Wyrm

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"How about we start you at the Wyrm tonight?" FP said, gently rubbing my back. I nodded.

"Sounds like fun. We both have the day off at Pop's so it's perfect." I nodded. I gently got up, FP's arm falling down my back. FP watched as I gathered the clothes that I was going to wear for the day. I paused and looked over at FP, still laying on my bed. "Want some coffee?" FP smiled. He got out of bed and followed me to the kitchen. I motioned for him to take a seat at the island while I walked around the kitchen getting everything together to make coffee. I leaned against the island while the coffee started to brew.

"You know," FP leaned towards me. "Waking up this morning, with you in my arms, was the best feeling I've had in awhile." I blushed and ducked my head. "Best sleep I've gotten in a while too." He reached across the island and took my hand.

"Seriously FP?" I looked up at him and he smiled at me.

"Of course." The coffee machine beeped and I pushed off the island. Grabbing two mugs, I started to pour the coffee. I felt FP wrap his arms around me after I put the pot back on the machine. Leaning back against him, I started to add the cream and sugar to the cups. Turning around I handed FP a cup before taking his free hand and leading him to the couch. One of the only things that had even been set up in the house was the tv which FP turned on right away. He put on the news and settled back against the couch. Smiling, he beckoned me over. Cradling my coffee cup, I settled down with my head on his chest and my knees tucked up to my chest. FP put his arm around my shoulders and we settled in to watch the news. Not much was going on in Riverdale and it didn't seem like FP was actually paying attention to it.

"So I was thinking." I lifted my head and watched as FP took a drink from his mug. "Since the only thing I actually have set up in this house is my tv," I shifted so I could look at FP better. "Would you like to help me put my house together?" FP smiled at me and nodded.

"Sure." He looked around the room. "How about we start in the biggest room and work our way to the smallest?" I nodded in agreement.

"Kitchen is already done. So we don't have to worry about that." I got off the couch and headed into the kitchen to get a fresh cup. FP followed behind me and refilled his cup as well.

"Let's get started." FP set his cup on the counter and moved his hands around my waist. "But first." He smiled as he leaned down and kissed me for the first time that morning. I happily kissed him back and squeezed his biceps to keep my balance. We pulled away and FP picked up his cup again. "Living room first. Where do you have your boxes?" He left the kitchen and I stayed behind the counter watching him leave.

"Most are piled in the corner." I entered the living room just as FP found the boxes. He lined up the boxes and started to unpack them. I joined him and together we moved through the house, putting the various items away where they belonged. We worked throughout the day and FP kept working while I went to take a shower. When I got out, FP went to take his shower while I finished what was left from the boxes. FP came back into the living room, shrugging his serpents jacket on.

"Ready to go?" He asked, looking over the attire I had chosen. I nodded and cocked my head.

"Do I look ok?" I asked in response to his stare. He nodded.

"Perfect." Leaning over, FP gave me a quick kiss before taking my hand and leading me out to his truck. It was a quiet drive over to the Wyrm. "You sure you're ready for this? That building is filled with Southside Serpents right now. Now they won't touch you. Not when you are with me. But they can get...." FP trailed off while looking for the right word. "Rowdy." I smiled and nodded.

"Can't be too much worse than what we experienced at Pop's." I shrugged it off. FP chuckled and leaned over to kiss me.

"God you're something else you know that?" FP smiled as he pulled away. He got out of the truck and ran around to my side to open the door for me. I could hear the music already from where we had parked. FP took my hand and helped me out of the truck. He kissed the back of my hand before leading me up the steps into the building. The minute FP opened the doors, everyone turned to look at who had entered. Everyone froze when FP and I walked in the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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