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FP backed up a little and I turned around when I saw the look on his face.

"Jughead." He said, looking anywhere but at me and the boy that was his son. "What're you doing here?"

"Told you I would stop by towards the end of the night." the boy said as he dropped his bag onto a random seat and proceeded to sit down. I zoned out of the conversation the two Jones' were having and looked at Jughead. He was his father's son that was for sure. Jet black hair over a pair of bright blue eyes. He had a dark grey beanie sitting on his head and a flannel shirt on top of a grey tshirt. "So how do you know my dad?" I snapped out of my head when I saw the blue eyes turned to me.

"I came in yesterday and got this job. Your dad gave me a ride back to my place last night." I answered. Jughead nodded. "And a ride this morning. As well as another job." I trailed off fiddling with the apron I was wearing. I took a quick glance around the diner looking for FP and saw him coming out of the kitchen with a chocolate milkshake. He put it down in front of his son and walked over to where i was by the counter.

"Everything ok?" he whispered as he took his spot next to me. I nodded and smiled up at him.

"Yeah." FP nodded and watched as his son pulled a laptop out of his bag. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I didn't expect him to actually show up." FP chuckled under his breath. "And that is not how I wanted the two of you to meet." I watched as Jughead started typing away and taking a drink every so often.

"So," I bumped FP's shoulder with my own. "You thought about me meeting Jughead already?" I teased. FP turned pink. He smiled down at the floor before raising his gaze to mine.

"Yeah." He moved a little closer to me. "I have. That's how far into my head you have gotten." it was my turn to blush and FP smiled. His arm soon fell around my shoulders as we watched his son work. A little while into the night, Jughead got FP to get him food so I took the opportunity to get to know him a little better.

"Your dad's told me a lot about you Jughead." I said as I slid into the seat across from him. Jughead looked up from his laptop and gave me a tight smile.

"Is that so?" He asked and lowered the top of the computer so he could see me better. I nodded. "I didn't think he would. Considering he wouldn't stop talking about you last night." I blushed a little.

"He told me you like to write. And that you are really good at it." I said motioning to the laptop between us. "He also told me what happened last year." Jughead nodded and looked at the kitchen.

"Did he tell you he was the one who took care of the dead body after? Or maybe how he was accused of murder?" Jughead turned back to me with a dangerous look in his eye. One i knew all too well. It was a look that was meant to drive people away.

"Yes he did." I sent back a similar look. Jughead nodded and looked back at the kitchen as FP reentered the diner.

"Nevermind dad. I better be going." Jughead started to pack up his things.

"What's going on boy?" FP asked looking between Jughead and me.

"Nothing. It's late. I better be going home." Jughead said. FP put the food down and pulled out his car keys.

"Wait ten minutes. I'll give you a ride." FP offered. Jughead looked at FP and then over at me before nodding.

"Fine." He sighed and put his bag back down. FP and I started to clean the diner and I ran to the back to change back into the clothes I had put on that morning. When I walked back out into the diner, the lights were off and FP was standing in the doorway arguing with Jughead. I hung back to give them space but the longer it went on the louder they got.

"What do you mean you like her?" Jughead cried. "What about mom?"

"I mean I like her! As for your mother she made her position very clear when she sent divorce papers from Toledo!" FP shot back. Jughead shook his head and started to move closer to FP.

"Did you ever think about going to Toledo after her? After Jellybean?" Jughead hissed. FP took a deep breath before answering.

"You know very well why I didn't go after them Jughead. Now be nice. (Y/N) is nice. Give him/her a chance." FP tried to reason with his son. Jughead laughed.

"Sure. I walk in here to see the two of you kissing!" He threw his hands up and turned around. "Did you ever think about how idiotic that was? Were you ever planning on introducing us? Or was that going to be after the two of you got married?" FP ran a hand down his face.

"Watch it boy." He pointed a finger threateningly at Jughead. "If you aren't careful you'll be walking home tonight." Jughead laughed.

"Finally something we both agree on." He said before walking off. I ducked back before finally walking into the diner.

"Where's Jughead going?" I asked, deciding playing dumb was the best choice for now. FP gave me a small smile as he started to close up the diner.

"He changed his mind and decided to walk home." I nodded and walked over to him, slipping my hand into his. FP looked down at our hands and smiled a little bit more before leading me over to the truck.

"I can't wait to get back home and just sleep." I said as I stifled a yawn while getting into the truck. FP laughed and started the car. We drove in comfortable silence for a while.

"This is going to be a little awkward and I hate to ask but I think it's for the best." FP broke the silence. I cocked my head as he glanced at me. "Is it ok if I spent the night at your place? I don't think Jughead wants to be around me right now and I don't want to go to the trailer only to have to leave because he's there." I nodded. "I have a change of clothes in the back. I won't try anything I swear. Just spend the night...." I started to laugh, cutting FP off. "What?"

"I already said yes you dummy." I laughed. FP smiled at me before making the turn that would take us past the trailers and to my house. When we pulled up, I got out first to unlock the door and waited for FP to come up. "You can take my bed. I think I'd fit better on the couch." I said as I started to collect pillows and blankets, silently thanking my mom for packing more than I would ever need. I looked over at FP to see him shaking his head.

"I'm fine with the couch. It's not a problem." he took the pillows and blankets from me before making his way to the living room.

"You sure? Cuz I don't mind. Honestly." I said, helping him set up.

"I'm fine. I swear." He said before pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. I blushed and nodded.

"If you say so." FP nodded and gathered up his change of clothes. "So bathroom is through there." I waved at the doorway that led to the bathroom. "Kitchen is over there." FP followed where I pointed and seemed to make mental note of where I was pointing. "And my room is over there just in case you need anything." I started to move to my room. FP headed towards the bathroom. "You sure about the couch FP?"

"I'm fine (Y/N)." FP laughed as he entered the bathroom. I nodded and went into my room to change. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about how FP was fully prepared to sleep on the couch and I felt bad about it. Once I had changed into my pajamas, I walked out into the living room. FP wasn't out of the bathroom yet so I started to fix the pillows and blankets on the couch. I turned when I heard the door open. "Thanks again for this." I nodded and smiled at FP.

"Anytime." He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss before moving to lay down on the couch. "Night FP." I started to head back to my room.

"Night (Y/N)." I smiled to myself and turned around.

"You know you could always join me in the bed." 

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