lazy morning

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"You know you could always join me in bed."

FP looked up at me, the blanket in his hand and his knee on the couch. For a second I thought I had overstepped my bounds and he let go of the blanket and awkwardly shuffled his feet. I counted the seconds in my head as FP took a look at the couch that would be his bed for the night before he looked back at me. I started to play with my fingers and looking anywhere but at him.

"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." I jumped as I looked up and saw FP standing right in front of me. He chuckled and gently rubbed my arm.

"Sorry." he smiled down at me. "If you're sure..." he trailed off and I took a deep breath before smiling up at him.

"I'm sure." I grabbed his hand and led him into my room. I let got of his hand and got into bed while he stood awkwardly by the door. He took a look around at the bare walls. I patted the bed to get his attention. "Come on FP." I gave him a gentle smile which he returned. FP lifted the blankets and got comfortable next to me. I laid on my side watching him. FP smiled at me as he put his head on the pillow.

"What?" he teased. "I do something wrong?" I shook my head and pulled the blankets a little closer.

"No." I bit my lip and moved a little closer to FP. "Just can't believe that this is actually happening." FP put his hand on my hip and gave me a gentle squeeze.

"I can." He whispered, almost as if he didn't want me to hear him. I blushed a little and turned around to turn off the light. The room became dark and I could barely make out FP. "Good night (Y/N)." he said.

"Good night FP." I replied. I drifted off to sleep soon after. The next morning I woke up with my head on FP's chest and an arm draped over his stomach. His arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly against him. I looked up at him sleepily and smiled when I saw he was still asleep. There was a small smile on his face and I couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle. But it wasn't quiet enough because soon after FP woke up. "Good morning."

"Morning." FP replied. His voice was low from sleep and he looked a little disoriented.

"Coffee?" I asked as I started to get up and stretch the sleep away. FP nodded and started to sit up as well.

"That actually sounds really good right now." I chuckled as I made my way to the kitchen with FP not too far behind me. He took a spot at the counter watching me go about making coffee and starting on breakfast. The small smile on his face didn't go unnoticed by me and I tried to keep my blush to myself. "Since we both have today off, what do you want to do?" I looked over at FP in surprise.

"i thought you would have wanted to go fix things with Jughead." I questioned, pouring him a cup of coffee. FP smiled as he took it from me.

"I can do that anytime. I only get so much time that I can spend alone with you." his hand caught my wrist and tugged me close. I smiled up at him.

"That's sweet FP." I teased. He smiled as he leaned down and kissed me.

"So what do you want to do today?"

AN: so this story will be put on hold until riverdale comes back and that is only because I need more inspiration and youtube can only give me so much. 

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