Don't we?

15 1 0

Breathing heavily and gazing longingly, I fell into his arms.
No care was given as to whether he would catch me,
Or if he was falling too. That goes without saying,
We love each other,
Don't we?

A week of passion, ecstasy and romance,
Propped up by dates, flowers and my favourite food.
We know each other well by now,we've even slept together once or twice.
That goes without saying, we love each other
Don't we?

A week becomes a month, still things are going well.
I give him a little money here and there,
£5, £20, £50... it's nothing to worry about And no one's keeping track.
That goes without saying, we love each other,
Don't we?

Two months in and he tells me...
He tells me he loves me, I feel so special,
Lying in his arms, the hurt of the past seems a million miles away
That goes without saying, we love each other,
Don't we?

Over £500 from my account to his, he's worth it though.
He tells me that im loved, he holds me close
And he seems to really care.
That goes without saying, we love each other
Don't we?

That second month i'm busy at work
I take half an hour to respond to a message that he sent, he only sent one word.
He says i must be fucking someone else, and hurls a load of abuse. I forgive him.
That goes without saying, we love each other,
Don't we?

I'm starting to hide the bruises on my arm, where he grabbed a bit too tight.
I'm not wearing makeup any more, I should only look good for him.
There Are no more hint of blossoming romance but that's okay,
That goes without saying, we love each other,
Don't we?

One night I end up in hospital, with swollen eyes and a wounded pride.
My collar bone is shattered and multiple bruises shine.
I guess it was my fault, i shouldn't have made him mad and surely things can't get worse.
That goes without saying, we love each other,
Don't we?

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