My Heat

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The next morning, Baekhyun wake up alone in the big penthouse. Remembering yesterday events is making him down. As he roams the penthouse and into the kitchen to make some scrambled egg and toast, a post-it on the fridge's door catches his attention.

I've already put your paintings supply in the spare room right beside your bedroom.

Chanyeol never used that room anyway, might as well turns it into a small studio you know. Oh! I also already put the groceries in place, but if you want to rearrange it then it's fine.


A smile forms on Baekhyun's thin lips. He reminds himself to thank the assistant later. Opening the fridge and grab some eggs and a jug of milk before putting them on the kitchen counter.

"Bowl, bowl, bowl... Aha!"

Finally found the glass bowl, Baekhyun begins to crack two eggs into the bowl. Even managed to get some of the eggshells inside. Taking them out with a chopstick and then adding some salt and a splash of milk. Humming while cooking and sometimes took a sip from his glass of milk. The toast is done, the somewhat looks like a scrambled egg also done.

After finishing his breakfast, curiosity fills Baekhyun's mind. Slowly approaching the front door and opens it a little so he can peek outside. A man in a suit with sunglasses and an earpiece attached to his ear is standing beside the elevator. When the man in suit notice Baekhyun, he starts to talk to his earpiece while still eyeing Baekhyun. Quickly the omega shut the door and locks it from the inside. Apparently, Chanyeol really doesn't want him to go outside. Sighing the brunet make his way to the spare room Kyungsoo mention in his note.

When he opens the spare room, there are already his painting supplies in the middle of the room. The canvases he asked Kyungsoo to buy yesterday are leaning against the wall not far from the other supplies are. Happy, Baekhyun opens the dusty curtain and letting the sunshine through. He quickly ran back to his bedroom to change into a shirt he's always used when he paints and leave the pants off, making the shirts hang on the middle of his thigh. Rolling the sleeves up to his elbow, Baekhyun huffs and put his hands on his waist.

"Let's make this room a mini studio"

After an hour setting his workplace, Baekhyun smile in satisfaction. He doesn't even remember if he asked Kyungsoo to buy him an easel for painting. But, he does remember told Kyungsoo to buy 12 colors of 12 ml oil paints, not 36 colors of 50 ml oil paints. Well, nonetheless Baekhyun grateful of the other's kindness. Putting an apron on, Baekhyun put some colors on his palette in hand, while the other is holding a brush. Closing his eyes and imagining what he'll paint today. When he does find what he's going to paint, a small smile appears on his lips as he starts to paint what's on his mind.

It has been a month, more or less. Baekhyun already has done what he can do inside this penthouse. He has read every book in the study room. Play games on the computer that also in the study room. Not going to lie, but the omega already bored to be inside of this house all the time. The time when he's "outside" is when he's in the garden, sometimes he paints outside when the sun is not too hot and he also hangs his laundry outside. Baekhyun likes the scenery, the Han river looks like it's sparkling form up here.

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