Chapter three ~ The Rainbow

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The Rainbow Nightclub
As the band and Poppy wandered through the hazy hallway to the rainbow the loud music was already pounding. They all slid into a booth, Poppy was wearing a tight black dress and looked super beautiful, she was sat opposite Slash and between Izzy and Axl. Poppy thought It had been super awkward between her and Slash after she kissed him and she was worried he didn't like her back, but she was snapped out of her thought by Steven "My round what do you all want? actually let me guess" Steven stood up and hovered over the table "Vodka for Duff and Axl, Daniels for Slash and Izzy, Shots for me and Lemonade for Poppy" he skipped over the last part of his sentence but was stopped by Poppy "Fuck no, get me a screwdriver i'm not a kid!" she shouted over the music "I don't know sis, I don't want to corrupt you.." He pondered "Steven, screwdriver, now" she shouted sternly "Sheesh! fine" Steven walked off.

"You're sexy when you're bossy Pops" Axl put his arm round her shoulder and whispered into her ear, clearly trying to seduce her "Oh Axl, don't get so ahead of yourself" she whispered back and put her hand on his thigh. Slash picked up in this and became enraged "Fuck this, i'm going for a fucking smoke" he stormed up from the booth and out of the fire exit, slamming the door. Poppy quickly stopped flirting with Axl and saw how angry Slash was "I think I better go talk to Slash" She spoke as she arose and climbed over Axl, he smacked her ass earning a giggle from Poppy "Perv!" she laughed and walked away to the exit.

The cold air hit her and she began to shiver, she saw a figure with poofy hair and instantly recognised Slash, she strolled over, "Hey Slash" she said quietly, he turned to her and contorted his face in disgust, "What the fuck do you want Poppy?" he snapped at her which shocked her. Why was he acting like this? He was the one who had been off with her?! She pulled herself together "Slash what the fuck us your problem?" she replied imitating his angry tone "Oh come off it Poppy! go back to Axl, he's probably looking for you" his voice was loud and powerful which at first shocked but now angered Poppy. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Is this about me innocently flirting with him in the booth? that was a fucking joke", "No Poppy you were all over him! you kissed me earlier and now your all over Axl, Duff and Izzy! Just choose one of us already". This shocked Poppy and she now understood why he was angry, he liked her "Slash, this is my first day here! I'm single why can't I flirt? You ignored me all afternoon after I kissed you, what did you expect?" She whimpered, feeling the cold weather in her bare legs, the alcohol was running through her blood and was causing her to become emotional.

Slash saw her face and instantly felt guilty, she was right, I had no right to get angry and now i've just upset her, god i'm a dick. "Poppy i'm sorry, please can we just forget this" Slash said in an apologetic voice. "I'm sorry too Slash, I don't want to lead you on, especially after..." her voice trailed off after she realised what she was saying "After what?" Slash questioned "Well I used to like you, when the band was just starting up. After you left for LA those feeling went and well, seeing you today kind of brought those feelings up, but after you ignoring me I thought you hated me" She sighed looking down at her shoes, Slash was shocked at her revelation but at the same time insanely happy. He walked over to her and put his hand on her chin, lifting up her face and looked into her big blue eyes.

"Babe, I couldn't hate you if I tried" he spoke seductively and pulled in to kiss her. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberry chapstick, he licked her bottom lip asking for entrance and she happily accepted. They were making out against the hard brick wall for what felt like forever, each of their tongues fighting for dominance, then Poppy pulled away. "I suppose we should go back inside, don't want them to get worried" she smirked at Slash and bit her lip. "Fine, but you're not getting away that easily" Slash growled and grabbed her hand leading her into the club.

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