Chapter Seven ~ Jealousy

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Even just seeing the way Poppy was sprawled along Duffs lap was angering Slash. He knew she knew what she was doing to him and he couldn't take it. "Can't you grind on each other away from the food?" Slash snapped at the pair "Woah chill Slash, don't be a dick?" Duff looked puzzled at Slash, he couldn't understand where the anger was coming from. Slash pulled a bottle of JD out of the cupboard and proceeded to guzzle it whilst glaring at Poppy, she didn't back down and stared right at Slash. "Fuck off Mckagan" Slash shouted "Man I can't deal with his fucking mood swings" Duff puffed and scooted from under Poppy, exiting the kitchen.

The tension between the pair was increasing and Slash could feel Poppy's angry eyes burning into the back of his head. He turned to face her and was met with a cold glare. If looks could kill. "So is this how it's going to be now?" Poppy broke the silence and stared hard at Slash "I don't know what you're talking about, you're the one who jumped into Duffs bed before I could even explain myself" Slash mumbled "Are you fucking kidding me!" Poppy stood up and walked over to Slash "You fucking led me on when you had a fucking girlfriend and you're blaming me for not hearing you out? You're fucking delusional" she spat looking at the guitarist long and hard.

Slash could feel himself becoming more and more angry with her, she was refusing to hear him out. "Oh you know what? Fuck off Poppy, I didn't lead you on. I only did it for a quick fuck" he instantly regretted what he was saying because he knew it wasn't true, he was saying it simply to be malicious. Poppy looked like she had seen red and instantly striked Slash across the face as hard as she could, Slash was shocked and hurt as he cradled his now red cheek. He didn't understand how so much strength could come out of such a small girl. "I am not some kind of slut, or quick fuck for you to use whenever you please Hudson" when she spoke his last name it was full of anger and aggression he felt like he had been disrespected, nobody ever used his real name, this just further filed his anger "Don't you see though? You are, you're just a little slut who wants to get with the band, and you couldn't have me so you went and fucked Duff to try and make me jealous, so yeah you are a slut!" his voice was now low and full of aggression, he could see his words deeply hurt Poppy as she just sat back down at the table, he watched as tears began to fall down her face, he couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt and regret wash over him. He went to sit down across from her.

"Look i'm sorry" he spoke in a softer tone, Poppy just sat there wiping tears from her eyes refusing to meet Slash's stare. "If that's what you think of me then so be it, maybe I will fuck all the guys, but I will never ever touch you again. You disgust me" and with that she got up and stormed out of the kitchen. Slash felt as though he'd really fucked it now, there was no way she would trust him again. Slash was left alone with his thought for a while before Popcorn and Axl stilled i'm hungover and in need of food.

"Slasher, you okay?" Steven broke Slash from his thoughts "Yeah man, I'm cool" although he was not cool, not at all. He had just lost the girl that he liked and he knew with what he said to her, she wasn't coming back anytime soon. "Gig at the Whiskey tonight, be ready for 9 okay dude?" Axl spoke whilst drinking the rest of Slash's JD. Slash just nodded and continued thinking about Poppy, he wondered if she would be there tonight and if she would speak to him, probably not.

'Well tonight is sure to be fun' he thought to himself.

Boring chapter! sorry! Thank you for over 50 reads! be sure to vote and comment!

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