Chapter Ten ~ So?

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"Baby please don't cry" Slash ducked down to Poppy's level and tried to comfort her. "Fuck off Slash! this is all your fault!" Poppy's screamed back "How the fuck is this my fault?" Slash shouted confused "Last time I checked you were the one trying to get me to bed?" "This was a mistake, a huge fucking mistake! I've been here three days and already i'm being sent back! all because of you and your flirting and fucking me around!" Poppy screamed at Slash tears falling endlessly from her blue eyes "Fuck off Poppy this ain't my fault! stop being a fucking bitch!" Slash was getting increasingly angrier "Just get out Slash" Poppy sounded defeated as she pointed at the bedroom door, Slash just looked at her angrily "This is my fucking room, you get out!" Slash spoke gesturing the door. Poppy huffed and grabbed her stuff and headed for the bathroom.

She locked herself in and began sobbing. How could I have been so stupid? After crying for what felt like hours she felt a soft knock on the door. "Go away" she sobbed loudly "Poppy it's Iz, let me in will ya?" Izzy was the last person she expected to hear from behind the door, he seemed to show no interest or concern it was quite confusing. She hesitatingly opened the door and opened it revealing a tired looking Izzy, shit her sobbing must have woke him up. Izzy entered the bathroom and locked the door, squatting down to Poppy who was on the floor with her head on her knees. "What's going on Poppy?" he sounded genuinely concerned "I-I fuck-fucked up" her crying was making it hard to speak but she managed to splutter out some words; enough for Izzy to understand. "Anything to do with you and Slash and sleeping together?" Izzy asked softly. Poppy looked at him with a confused look "How the hell did you know we slept together?" "Being the quiet one has its perks, you see things the others don't" he smirked "Well, if you saw it probably everyone did and now they think i'm this huge slut that just sl-" Izzy cut Poppy off "You're not a slut Poppy, the way you and Slash's obvious he likes you" he hugged her into his side and she rested her head in his chest. "Not anymore" she began crying softly into his Harley Davidson shirt. "Popcorn caught you didn't he?" his voice was stern, Poppy felt as though she was talking to her dad and had her tail between her legs. She looked up into Izzys eye and nodded sadly. Izzy sighed loudly "Steven just cares about you, he knows what Slash is like with girls, he doesn't want you to get hurt" "But now I am hurt and not by Slash! by him he's kicking me out!" Poppy thought about Steven and felt herself growing angrier "He's not going to kick you out Pops, he loves you and he's missed you so much" Izzy smiled. "I just think you should stay away from Slash for a while, and speak to Steven, okay?" Izzy looked softly down at Poppy. Poppy nodded.

3 Hours Later
"Hey Ax you seen Stevie?" Poppy called over to the hungover red-head "Not since your little bust up this morning, haven't seen much of Slash either" Axl spoke whilst rubbing his head "Okay thanks Axl". Poppy didn't know where to look so she figured she'd just go out for a walk on the strip and hoped she'd bump into either Steven or Slash. After walking for about ten minutes she wandered upon Whiskey-A-Go-Go, worth a shot.

The Whiskey was a lot different in the day, it was quiet and desolate. She looked around for a bit before her eyes landed on an abundance of blonde poofy hair resting on the bar. Steven. She walked up slowly to his slumped body, it was hunched over the bar and had a few glasses next to it. "Stevie" Poppy spoke timidly, Steven jolted up immediately after hearing his sisters voice "Poppy! Poppy i'm so sorry, I didn't mean anything I said this morning y'know about you being a..." Steven day up straight on the chair and began rambling, he was clearly drunk. "Steven, look i'm so sorry about Slash. I didn't mean for it to happen, in fact it's over completely, Stevie please don't make me go" Poppy began tearing up looking at her brother, he sensed her sadness and pulled her in for a hug "Poppy you don't have to go, and I just don't want you getting hurt, Slash can be a dick, i'm just glad you realised and broke things off" Poppy listened to Steven talk about Slash and couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in her heart, she really had started to get feelings for Slash and now she just had to be around him and pretend to not like him. But if it was for Steven she was willing to do so, but it was going to be hard.

Steven and Poppy walked back to the apartment, chatting along the way about the new album, Poppy love seeing her brother so enthusiastic about his music, it really made her smile and took her mind off of the man she had to face back at the apartment. After pulling up to the front door, Steven looked at Poppy and let out a weak smile, she smiled back holding back her nervousness. "Anybody home?" Steven shouted out "In here" Axls voice echoed from the living room. Steven walked in first, followed by Poppy, her eyes immediately farted around the room to the mop of curly hair staining at the tv. So he was back. "Where'd you guys go?" Duff emerged from his bedroom "Just to the Whiskey, had a little talk didn't we Pops?" Steven nudged Poppy lightly and she nodded. "So, is she staying?" Izzy asked curiously, Poppy saw Slash's head tilt a little bit when Izzy asked; like he wanted to know the answer "Yes she's staying" Steven sighed, Slash's head turned instantly and faced Poppy, he looked empty and emotionless, Poppy wanted to cry just looking at him. After hearing the news Izzy, Duff and Axl all ran up and hugged Poppy shouting and hollering. Poppy just wished Slash was hugging her and showing he was glad she was staying. Instead he kept his eyes glued against the Van Halen interview that was playing on the tv. Steven sensed the awkwardness between them and was desperate to end it. "So should we go out tonight?" Steven asked playfully. "Yes!" Duff and Izzy shouted in unison.

Tonight should be fun...not

THANK YOU FOR 150+ READS! MEANS A LOT. also sorry this chapter is kind of boring!

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