Part 2

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Credit goes to RAIKIRI-ART for a beautiful price of artwork. Enjoy Part 2!

Bakugos POV

I heard a shuffle from the other side of the line. "Wait. BAKUGO?! Is that really you?" He called. I let out a chuckle.

"Ya buddy. It's me. Are you still living in the same house from when we were kids?"

"Oh ya! Why?"

"Uh remember the photo we took on out last day together before I left for Tokyo? You said that if I was ever in a tight spot or needed help I could call you. Sorry for using you like this but this is kinda one of those times." I scratched the back of my neck.

"So I've turned into your scape goat after all these years? Thanks Baku I really appreciate it." A soft chuckle left his lips.

"Basically ya. I'll explain everything later but could I stay at your house for a while?"

"Uh I'll have to ask my moms but ya. You need me to come pick you up?"

"No I got my bike. I still remember the address so I'll be over in like an hour."

"Okay see you then!"

"Thanks Kiri." I hung up. I can't believe I just did. That. After 10 years of silence I finally got enough courage to call him. I grabbed my bag and went back to my bike. The engine started up and I raced off to my old friends house.

I pulled into the familiar two story house. It was your typical suburban house with a driveway, light brown paint, and flowers framing the foundation.

At the door stood a boy who was average height. I couldn't really make out his features because of the bright light behind him but his hair was still down to his shoulders. Just like when we were kids.

"Wow sweet ride man." He called as I yanked my helmet off and unlatched my bag. I raced up to him and immediately wrapped my arms around him. His warmth enveloped me and gave me a nostalgic feeling.

"Woah man strait to the hug huh?" He chuckled and returned the gesture. "That's not very manly Baku, I thought you were hardcore and hated physical touch but here you are soft as a cloud."

"Shut up. I just missed missed you that's all." I sniffed.

"You're as cold as ice man, let's get you inside." He took my hand with one of his and with his other he grabbed my bag.

"Oh dude you don't have to..."

"No it's my pleasure. You're my guest after all." He smiled. His teeth were still as pointy as ever but something was different. His hair was red instead of black. He must have dyed it after I left.

We walked into the house which looked almost exactly the same. Photos from his childhood lined the hallways and right next tot he door was two woman, one who was tall and had long blonde hair and brown eyes and the other who had short black hair and blue eyes stood behind little Kirishima who had his hair gelled back to look nice.

"Bakugo sweety is that you?" A woman's voice from the kitchen sounded. The blonde haired woman from the picture appeared from her hiding place with a steaming mug in her hands. Behind her the black haired girl emerged with a blanket.

"Oh my you've grown so much since we last saw you!" The black haired woman dropped her blanket, ran over to me, and gave me a big hug. "Oh when we heard that you were coming over we couldn't contain our excitement! We were so happy that you still remembered us after all these years!"

"Thanks Ezume, I missed you too." I hugged her back.

"Here child, you look exhausted." Kiris other mom Emma handed me a mug of hot chocolate. "It's almost 2am so finish that up and head off to bed. Eijiro prepared the spare room while you were heading over. You may stay as long as you'd like."

"Thank you Mrs. Kirishima," I chugged my hot cocoa and handed the mug back to Emma. Kirishima said goodnight to his moms and he led me upstairs to his room.

Posters of the famous singer Crimson Riot littered his walls along with a red bedspread and a red fluffy carpet on the floor.

"Wow your room has changed a lot since I last saw it." I dragged my hand across his punching bag in the corner. "And you work out now huh."

"Ya I figured out that working out helped me relief stress," He stood next to me. "I really missed you ya know."

"I did too. Sorry I didn't contact you earlier, after I first left I didn't call because I knew if I did I would miss you even more. Then I got swamped with school work and my aunt and uncle were constantly fighting and I didn't want to drag you into that," I turned around and hugged him tightly. I felt his hand pet my spiky blonde hair and the other hand wrap around my waist.

"It's okay now, even though this wasn't how I expected to see you again after all these years  I'm just glad that your back. I remember you used to be hot headed and take me on these crazy adventures that always got me in trouble. I didn't want be left behind so I followed. But after you left I didn't know who to follow, I was lost. I eventually found a group of friends but it wasn't the same." He pulled me back to arms length. "But now your back and I can't wait to catch up!"

"Me too," I walked to his door and opened it. "I'm gonna head to bed, it's really late and I need to collect my thoughts." I softly closed the door behind me and went into my temporary bedroom.

It was a white pained room with light brown carpet and a standard light hanging from the ceiling. A twin bed sat in the corner next to a window that was dressed in a sky blue bed sheets. An oak dresser stood on the opposite wall and a matching nightstand was next to the blue bed.

I dropped my bag by the dresser and got under the covers. This is my life now I guess, a run away kid from an abusive aunt and a drunk gambling uncle. At least I get to see Kirishima, Emma, and Ezume again.

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