Part 3

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((A/N: I chose the song in the beginning just because I was listening to it while writing this and it's a throwback to my childhood.))

Two Days Later:

"I can't believe I actually agreed to this." I groaned as I pulled my covers over my head.

"Come oooonnnn Baku you promised you would come to school with me." Kirishima bounced on my bed.

"Uuuggggghhhhhhh fine. Just get off my bed already so I can get dressed!" Kirishima immediately jumped off my bed and ran out of the room to leave me to get ready.

I pulled together a simple outfit consisting of some black ripped jeans, a black tank top and topped with a white jacket with strips. I got my white sneakers and grabbed my black school bag before heading out the bedroom door. (Look at picture in beginning for reference).

Before Kirishima and I could get out the front door Emma ran up to Kiri and I and gave us each a sack lunch. She kissed both our cheeks and smiled.

"Have a good day at school boys. Hope you do great my little Eji and Katsuki ask good questions!" She squeezes both of us into a hug before pushing us out the door.

After putting our bags in the storage compartment and putting our helmets on ((kids always remember to wear your helmets)) and we drove off to Kirishima's and I guess now my school.

We pulled into the parking lot and Kirishima hopped off. People getting out of there cars stopped and stared at me and Kirishima.

"Whose that guy?"

"Is he new? Or is he dropping Kiri off?"

"His hair makes him look kinda hot."

I finished placing my helmet in the storage compartment and grabbed my black bag. Kirishima linked arms with me and we walked into the four towered school.

We walked into my new classroom (I requested to be in the same class) and a girl with vibrant pink curly hair shot up and ran up to Kirishima.

"KiRiShImA WhErE hAvE yOU bEEn?!" She squealed as she gripped him into a tight hug.

"Uh I had a family emergency," Kiri chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh okay," she said turning to me, "and who are you?"

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo, I've known Kirishima since we were little." I held my hand out for a handshake.

"Ya but he had to move away so we didnt meet up until recently. Now he's coming to our school!" Kiri smiled showing his sharklike teeth.

"That's awesome! I'm Mina, I can't wait to tell you all abo-"

"Everyone sit down and turn your books to page 394," a man interrupted. He had long black hair that looked like it hadn't been tamed in at least a week. His eyes had huge bags under them and he appeared to be wrapped in a bright yellow sleeping bag. "Also we have a new student from Tokyo. Please stand up and introduce yourself or whatever so I can carry on with my lesson. I'm required by the school to do these things so let's get it over with," the man zipped up his sleeping bag and laid underneath the chalkboard.

I stood up at the front of the classroom and sat my bag down on the floor. I hopped myself onto the desk and swung my legs while leaning against the podium. "The names Katsuki Bakugo. Don't forget it or you'll regret ever meeting me. Also don't touch my bike unless you have a death wish. That's all now you can get back to your little lesson and I'll be in the back." I hopped from the table and walked over to one of the seats towards the back of the room.

"Now that you all know him turn your books to page 394. We will be talking about blah blah blah blah...

After the homeroom teacher who apparently went by Mr. Aizawa finished his lessons another teacher who had long blonde hair tied half up into a messy bun and wore sunglasses walked into the room giving Mr. Aizawa a high five on his way out the door.

"HEEELLLLOOOOOO EVERYBODYYYYYY" he screamed. I had to cover my ears it was so loud.

"Good morning Mr. Hizashi." The class said in union.

"AND LOOK AT THIS WE GOT A NEW STUDENT!! TELL ME YOUR NAME AND WE CAN START THIS THANGGGGGG" he pointed  at me with two fingerguns at full arms length and I stood up.

After introducing myself to him he proceeded to his English lesson. I swear by the end of the lesson my ears were bleeding from the amount of screaming he did.

The lunch bell finally rang and I quickly grabbed my bag and headed to the lunch room. I swear I could hear Kirishimas footsteps from beyond the grave they are so loud.

"Hey Bakugo, let's eat lunch together!" He said as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Tch. Fine, just don't plan on me giving you anything from my plate," I finished getting my food and sat down. Kirishima sat his plate next to mine and soon Pinky and two other people sat down. One had black hair and the other had yellow hair and some kind of lightning bolt on his head.

"Yo who's this guy?" The yellow haired guy asked Pinky.

"Oh this is Bak-"

"The names Bakugo. I saw you in homeroom so you should know my name already. Don't forget it."

"Well then, the names Kaminari and this is Sero. Welcome to the squad!" Kaminari cheered.

"Tch whatever. Just let me eat my lunch in peace." I stabbed my chopsticks into my rice bowl and took a bite.

"Hey Mina, you still up for the arcade later?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah! Everyone meet outside after school and we can take the bus over," Mina smiled.

"Got it. Hey Bakugo, you wanna join us? It's just gonna be us four unless you come then it'll be five!" Sero asked.

"I got a lot of homework so I'll pass," I lied. I had already done it during class today and I didn't want to hang out with anyone at the moment.

"Aw come on Bakugo! It'll be fun!" Kirishima grabbed onto my arm and hung on it.

"Ughhhhhh fine. Only if you stop acting like a 6 year old though," The four of them let out a ring of cheers and the lunch bell rang along with them.

"Well then, see you after class!" Kaminari waves as him and Sero walked to class together.





Payphone (Kiribaku Short Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ