Story ends in total damage...

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"What happened?"
Both Lin and Isaac were soaked from the downpour outside, and I remember it wasn't raining when they left. Lin was hurrying himself to get the wet clothes off of Isaac to stop him from becoming ill, classic Lin putting others before himself. I then came back to reality when Lin was in front of me and Isaac had left to play.
"Jon what happened?"
Should I tell Lin? He said that I've already made it worse for myself. What if I just tell him the clue? Not what I need to do as payment? Or is that already too much information?
"Jon what happened?"
I could tell Lin was losing his patience, bad weather affects him like that. I'm the same though, sunny weather provokes happier thoughts.
"He gave me a clue."
Lin's face lit up and he grinned
"So? What is it?"
Might as well tell him now.
"They played a big part in my life, but I didn't know them for too long."
"Hmm, I can't help you with that. I wish I could but, I don't know who your role model was as a kid."
I nodded, shrugging a tiny bit as he continued
"And also the previous clue was I don't know the person so, if anything I'm not much of a help at all."
Then I cut in.
"But Lin, I haven't got the memory for this, otherwise I'd know who it is by now. Both you and flashbacks are my only sources, you're a lot safer than the other gotta say."
He chuckled, I looked at the stairs desperately. I need to write this clue down before I forget it.
"Go on upstairs then."
I gratefully nodded, not touching on the fact he caught me being expressive again. I need to take classes or something to remain deadpan, I'm giving Andrew too much information. Anyway, I got in and shut the door, getting out the papers I had and quickly scribbling down the clue. I've known my mum all my life so now I can firmly say it isn't her, my brother I've known all my life too. Who else played such a role in my life that it would affect me? And who did I not know for that long?
"Jon come down for lunch!"
I sighed pushing my chair back and then walked downstairs. Lin gave me a hopeful look but I shook my head and took my plate off of him. Maybe I was being too hard on myself but it's what I need. Hopefully some sort of push will help Ariella, even if it's at my expense.
"Jon it must be a member of your family."
I turned my head to look at Lin who was looking down at his lunch
"I mean -"
He paused to finish his mouthful
"- Someone who played a big role in your life but you didn't know them for long. You've known your family all your life, but there's one person you lost growing up."
"My dad? Lin my dad is dead how could he?"
"Think of the unlikeliest person it could be. That was the other clue. Jon your father is alive, and he's got Ariella."

"I'd rather be sailing, yes, I would
On an open sea"
I blushed hearing my favourite childhood song.
"I'd stand at the railing if I could
Feeling wild and free"

"Your first fish! I'm proud of you, ya brave young man."

"Jon! Jon snap out of it!"

"The sun is on my neck the wind is in my face, the water's incredibly blue."

"Gotta be nice to the fishes!"

"And I'd rather be sailing yes I'd wanna go sail, and then come home to you."

I blinked out of it to see just me and Lin at the table.
"I took Isaac away cause he started crying."
He sighed, I moved to go check on him but he ushered me to sit back down.
"I didn't know you even had flashbacks anymore, it's been so long."
I nodded, still a bit dumbfounded by what I saw.
"So what was it about?"
"You know the song, Sailing? It's always been my favourite song."
"Oh yeah, so what about it?"
"My father used to sing it to me when we went fishing, then 3 years ago Andrew sang the same song claiming he just knew to sing it. The only way would be that my father would've told him it was my favourite song."
"Jon you probably just had the most helpful flashback of your life."
Lin said amusingly, I shrugged.
"Right, you've got to call Andrew and tell him. Then we can get her back."
"You can."
He looked up at me, remembering what I have to do.
"Jon, you will survive it. And I will fix you up once you're out of that shit hole, it'll all be fine."
I felt like Lin was trying to persuade himself more than he was trying to persuade me. But regardless I made my way towards where the telephone is and dialled the Police Station.
"I've got 15 minutes Lin."
He nodded and took a deep breath.
"Okay uh, go write Isaac a note or something. He's asleep so he won't find it before you've left. Then, wait is it a call you arranged or an actual visit?"
"A visit. He said I have to when I figure it out, got 15 minutes till I gotta go."
"Okay so, Andrew could get released tomorrow at the earliest but probably at the weekend I'd say. So you should be coming back here I believe. Scrap the note, but at least convince Isaac you're not a crazy person after that flashback."
"Oh shit yeah."
I went upstairs and lightly knocked on the door hearing a high pitched murmur sounding like a 'come in'
"Hey little buddy."
I sat on the side of the bed
"I'm sorry for what happened downstairs, I was playing a trick on your father but it went wrong. You should never play tricks on people kiddo."
He nodded smiling a bit, I patted his arm beneath the duvet and left, happy that I fixed that up.
"Right, it's been 15 minutes."
I gave Lin a hug and he followed me out to an Uber waiting.
"I called it while you were up there."
I thanked him and got in the car, relieved that it was the same guy as always.
"Same place?"
"You bet."
"Mate, I don't know what you're doing but every time you come out you look exhausted and uncomfortable. It's hardly my business to say, but this seems to be doing more harm than good."
"If I'm correct this should be the last visit so don't you worry."
He nodded and focused on driving, the car remaining silent until he parked.
"Right, still paying you back for the 20 bucks so good luck for this mate."
I sat down in my seat once again, with the same sense of impending doom. This only heightened when Andrew was seated opposite me.
"Fancy seeing you again, more clues I presume?"
"Where is my father."
He gasped
"So you finally figured it out, well done Jon. Or is it Lin?"
"Where is my father."
"I've been in prison how would I know? He's probably staying at my place though, he has been recently."
Unable to resist, I asked the question that's been playing in my mind since the flashback.
"You didn't know my favourite song was Sailing, you were told weren't you?"
"By my father, he told you Sailing was my favourite song? Hell, did he teach you the lyrics?"
He chuckled under his breath,
"I knew the song already, I didn't know it was your favourite."
"Is my father a bad guy?"
He went silent so I continued
"We were told he was MIA then later they said he died, well mum said."
"He was MIA, for a long time, then he showed up at my door 4 years ago."
"But is he a bad guy?"
He sighed
"Jon, I'm a criminal, I don't know the difference between a bad guy and a good guy. We're all men. We all want the same thing."
"Did my father purposely want to kidnap Ariella, has he done stuff like that before?"
"Oh he's done a lot more. I could tell you but would you want me to ruin that perfect parent façade he created?"
"Tell me. I need to know who my father is."
He sighed
"Fine. He was in the war, so he has killed people obviously. After that he missed his family, like any family man would. After two years he got impatient, so he started another family. He fucked another beautiful girl, and had a delightful daughter who is great at frisbee."
"You don't mean, Stephanie?"
"My niece? Of course I do it's a small world Jon, smaller than you could imagine. Stephanie is both your fathers' and my sisters' daughter. She's a lovely girl."
"Well he continued being the family man he always was, until I met you. He finally had a link to his little boy and his wife. So, of course, we got in touch. He couldn't go back to you two cause he had an affair and now has a family, yet he is still married to your mum. So he had to watch from afar, your father was never announced dead, your mum made it up. Anyway, I told him you were gay, so he pushed me to get into a relationship with you. But, you're so fucking hot I couldn't resist you, I had to break it. You were, and still are, too pure and innocent. People like you are in short supply. So naïve and fragile. Obviously when your father found out he was furious and decided to get you himself, so, he ordered me to take Ariella since it was both Lin's child and the one you get along with more. He doesn't know about this little deal we've got going on."
My head began to hurt as I took in the new information. I couldn't look at Andrew so I looked at the grey floor beneath me.
"It's a big musical Jon, you may be in the audience and you may see a cute little show. But you have no idea what fucked up shit is going on behind the curtains."
"I get it. You don't need to use theatre terms."
"Scared I might ruin the theatre for you?"
"Mhmm sure. Well, you've got to find your dad, prove he's the baddie, get Ariella back and get me out so I get my part of this."
I fell silent
"You look hesitant. You made this deal."
"It's not that. If my father has just been doing this to see me again, then I put him in prison..."
I trailed off, Andrew quickly got the gist and rolled his eyes saying
"Jon. He kidnapped a girl. He cheated on your mum. He may be your fucking dad but he's also a criminal."
I sighed, he had a point.
"Now get the cops to go back to my place, open the door and Ariella will be waiting with your father. If you're feeling cute go give him a hug for all I care."
"You still stole Ariella though, my father kept her, but you actually took her."
"And I can also lie and scheme and get you in prison and me out. So what would you rather have? Me and you in bed? Or you in prison waving goodbye to your fans and career and trust me, I can say you did some real nasty stuff."
I shuddered, how did I ever like this man? And look what shit I'm in now because of it.
"So, at least you can see your dad a lot more. You can arrange to visit."
He laughed, his twisted smile causing discomfort on anyone who sees it.
"So, next time I see you it will be in my house. Wear something cute, and easy to rip off. I will have you my princess, and I will force you to take it. It's been three years since I've had my way with you, and believe me, there is a lot of catching up to do."

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