All I know is I am here, and you are there...

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I couldn't sleep. The mattresses were so uncomfortable not to mention how whenever I moved a new part of my body began to ache. Andrew was on his phone facing away from me but I knew he could hear me moving about since the second I made a noise he turned the brightness of his phone down and continued whatever he was doing. A polite gesture but he did force me to let him sleep here, in fact he is good at forcing me to do just about anything now. And the worst part is I don't know how to stop him, nothing prepares you for this sort of situation. At all. Instead I watched the window as the sky got brighter and the sun began to rise, it was an aesthetic to say the least. The nurses began their rota of the breakfast menu which I ticked off then Andrew did so too, subtle grudge against the fact he hasn't left yet but he's probably just gonna drive me home at this rate. That probably means I'm not gonna see Lin again until my time is up, wait, tomorrow is the last day, HA! I don't know how I survived this but hey, I've only got tomorrow and tomorrow night then I'm back!! Come Wednesday and I'll be with Lin and Isaac and Ariella watching Chuggington and back to our ordinary lives. Come Wednesday and Andrew will be gone forever, I think.
"How are you today Jonathan?"
"Couldn't sleep?"
"Not with all these bruises."
I glared at him and he laughed, not because I was funny, more of a 'wow you've got guts' kind of laugh.
"It would be terrible if they got worse before you got back to Lin's wouldn't it?"
"In two days this is over Andrew, everything you've done, from the dating to now, it will all be left in the past."
"So you're running out of power and you know it, you've only got tomorrow to cause me any more pain. And even then it can't be too much since you've already done enough."
"Whatever I do to you isn't enough for me, you're just so fragile that you end up here before I've even started the punishment."
"Hang on. You're the one who mentioned hospital, not me."
"And that was because you looked terrible and I knew you were too weak. A normal person would've suffered through it."
"And you always say I'm different."
He rolled his eyes at that.
"My point is, I am still in control, and always will be."
"Not after Wednesday."
"I said I would stay away, but we are bound to cross paths somewhere and when that happens you'll be the one who is hiding from me. That means I am still in control, with power comes fear."
"I'm not scared of you. I've said that before."
"You should be. I've said that before too."
A different nurse came in with our breakfasts, she looked quite young so, naturally I was impressed since she must have aced her medical degree and flown through it. Either that or an apprenticeship? Do they do those here? Besides that I smiled at her and murmured a 'thank you' to which she smiled back quickly averting her eyes. Bless her, she looked so focused, not messing up her job perhaps? Well she's making a great job of it. I might throw in a good word with the person in charge so she can relax a bit and feel more secure in her job.
"Jonathan. Eat."
"You've never said my name like that before."
"You weren't listening to me. You listen to the nurses and they call you Jonathan."
"Because they're professionals."
"Do you want me to continue with Jon? Or shall we start the pet names?"
"Don't you dare."
I looked over at him to see his amused smile then proceeded to sort out my tray so everything was in the right position, picky yes but I might as well treat what's left of my brain. Once I was done, I put the tray on the table beside me and poured myself a cup of water. Andrew watched the entire routine then, when I noticed, went back on his phone. Okay then. If I had a phone, I would be on it. But hey, guess not.
"If you stay on your phone I'll just ask if l can call Lin."
"If Lin visits, I'll go through with the punishment I saved you from yesterday."
"Lin will stop you."
"He didn't yesterday."
"Then how come you didn't do it?"
"I chose not to, that was my decision."
He went back onto his phone and, honestly, I know that Lin is smarter than Andrew so I waved a nurse over and asked for a phone again. Andrew lifted his head in acknowledgement then looked back at his phone, he looked more irritated but who cares,
I did warn him. Lin said he was on his way and that I need to be careful right now because I have a massive disadvantage being admitted into a hospital. Luckily, I persuaded him into talking to me the whole way there, he was in an Uber so it wasn't a big problem but he always thinks it's rude to be on the phone when you can talk to the driver. I knew Andrew was listening in on the phone call but I couldn't care less, he should've taken me seriously when I said I would call him.
"So tell me again why I'm going to the hospital Jon?"
"Andrew won't talk to me and he's on his phone, I said I would call you and he didn't care so here we are."
"You realise challenging him is putting you in more danger right?"
"I know."
"Right I'm going home."
"Funny how only one of us can say that right now."
There was a long pause on the phone.
"Jon, please don't do this."
"I'm gonna have to, you can go home to your family and enjoy each moment with them. I have no one right now, you're the only person I can talk to. You're the only person who knows what's going on and I haven't got the strength to tell anyone else incase they get too involved in this mess. So I'm not gonna let you turn your back on me now just because you're scared I'll be in more danger than I already am, I've been in danger for the last three days Lin. I'm in hospital now for gods sake and Andrew is visiting me more than you!"
"I'm outside the hospital now."
He ended the call and I looked over to see Andrew chuckling to himself, still on his phone.
"What's so funny?"
"That was quite a rant you had there, not sure if you should've used my name but hey, he's coming so you made your point."
He was right, Lin is probably furious right now, he's been by my side all this time and I just used Andrew's name to prove a point. Andrew probably likes me more than Lin right now and I never thought I'd say that.
Lin stormed through the door and stood in front of me, he looked angry, but mainly hurt.
"I'm sorry Lin I -"
"- Well how cute is this! Looks like Jonny got a bit carried away huh?"
"Leave him alone Andrew."
"Just wait one more day Lin and I will, maybe, he's not good at keeping to the rules is he?"
"I said leave him alone."
"And I heard you loud and clear. You're not good at sticking to the rules either are you? I swear you're supposed to be the bright one?"
"Andrew. Say that again. I dare you."
"You are supposed to be the bright one Lin, we all know Jonathan isn't right in the head. He's a bit slow these days."
Lin was seething, but he knew better than to cause a scene in a hospital. So I stepped in, well, I spoke up (you can't step anywhere in a hospital bed).
"Andrew give him a break"
"Ah yes, you hate seeing others in emotional pain and Lin hates seeing you in physical pain. Let's see, how can I punish you both for ignoring the rules?"
"Andrew if you lay a hand on him -"
"- Have a seat Lin, when was the last time you saw a show?"
"Why do you -?"
"- When."
"Maybe last month? I don't know for sure."
"Well, let's make sure Jonny performs for you then shall we?"
Andrew pushed me back so I was lying down on the mattress then turned my head so I was facing Lin, so he could see my reaction to whatever Andrew is about to do I'm guessing.
"If you move your head Jon then I will never leave. Same for you if you turn away Lin."
"You are sick."
"Shush. The audience aren't supposed to talk during a show."
He pulled the sheet completely off the bed and Lin immediately looked at the red lines on my arms.
"Healing nicely aren't they Lin? Be a shame if the process was interrupted."
"Andrew seriously those wounds could scar -"
"- You think I don't know? Shush."
He traced his fingers up and down my arms looking down at them as he did so, I kept my eyes trained on Lin as he was staring at my arm in fear. He looked like a deer caught in headlights as he frantically tried to stop Andrew.
"Jonathan would you like to say anything to Lin right now?"
"He can't hurt me Lin."
I said in the most deadpan voice not looking at Andrew, I flinched as Andrew dug his nails into my arm, not breaking the skin yet.
"What did you just say?"
"He didn't mean it Andrew."
"How many times do I have to tell you? Shut the fuck up!"
"I said you can't hurt me."
"Well you are brave aren't you? So, you say you aren't affected by physical pain. I haven't caused you to have a flashback yet."
"Andrew don't."
"If you open that mouth again Lin -"
He left the threat in the air, empty but dangerous since neither of us knew what the consequence would be.
"So what happened to your arms Jon?"
"I scratched them."
"And why was that?"
"I was having flashbacks."
"Really? What of?"
"You know what. Stop asking dumb questions."
Both Lin and Andrew looked at me after I said that, and both looked shocked. Okay maybe it was a little snappy but no one liked being in hospital anyway. Especially with my company too, nothing against Lin, everything against Andrew.
"I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson now Jon."
Lin wasn't looking at either of us, just concentrating in front of him and he immediately followed Andrew's threat.
"Don't even try."
Andrew sucked in a breath of annoyance giving him a bothered look but my friend didn't see it due to his focus. The guy has got a nick with keeping calm, I mean, he sometimes loses it but it's once in a blue moon.
"Lin can you leave please?"
"Get out."
"Do I have to repeat myself?"
"No I'd rather you kept quiet please."
Andrew laughed standing in between Lin and the hospital bed, meaning whatever spot he was focusing on was now blocked.
"What was that?"
"Wow Jon has got a point with dumb questions. How about you leave since you find it to hard to maintain your basic manners here? I think you need a break to cool off."
Lin left the room and whatever faith I had from his outburst had gone, he must've sensed he was losing it himself so he took a break ironically. Andrew laughed to himself then turned back to me.
"Now, where were we? Ah yes, punishment."
"Please don't."
I said quietly, hoping he would hear me and take it into consideration but of course he didn't.
"That's the most polite thing you've probably said to me today, and you're begging me so it barely counts."
"I do have rights you know? And you know just about everything you are doing now is wrong."
"And you also made a bet with me, which is wrong and against the law. I'm a criminal, and you love bad boys. Here we are Jon -"
He was interrupted by a nurse walking in with Lin behind.
"Yes miss I'm worried about his arms? They seem to not be healing as quickly as I thought they would."
Andrew was standing on the other side of the bed to them and my arm was hanging limply off the side of the bed closest to him after trying to keep him off of me earlier. I watched as the criminal tensed then wrapped his fingers around my arm, digging his nails into it while he gave me a warning look. I flinched at the pain staring directly into Andrew's eyes as he then lightly placed my arm on the mattress beside me.
"Yes we've all been concerned about it haven't we Jon?"
"Yeah, yeah we have."
The nurse approached me and began to check my blood pressure and so on but never once did she actually look at the cuts on my arms since she would've seen the imprint of Andrew's nails otherwise. She shrugged saying there was no big issue and left the room leaving both me and Lin unsuccessful and Andrew triumphant.
"Time to leave."
"I'm not leaving Jon with you."
He looked down at Andrew which was impressive considering Lin did not have the height advantage.
"Well unless you have anymore tricks up your sleeve, Jon shouldn't be taunted with false hope."
"I'm not taunting him I'm -"
"- Oh please. Just leave before you ruin anything else."
Lin looked at Andrew in shock, not anger, and then at me. I could read the pain in his expression, the words cut deep and he was beginning to listen to them; in short Andrew had won. Before I could try to stop him, Lin left the room quickly and Andrew shut the door behind him nice and slowly, as criminals do.
"Even in hospital there are unwanted guests, fame really isn't for the weak hearted is it Jon?"
I knew he was trying to get to me but I wasn't gonna allow it, Lin can't protect me now he's not here so I need to be smart about this.
"It's not. How much longer am I at this hospital? I'm getting bored."
"We can leave now"
He smirked to himself when he saw my confused face and proceeded to walk over to the nurse and do the classic playboy pose with his arm against the wall near her. He walked back with a lazy smile and told me to pack.
"You realise she could get fired if they see that on the security cameras?"
"It was her choice to react how she did, I'm not responsible for it."
"You think that way about everyone?"
"Of course."
"So having flashbacks was my choice? You don't think you caused them?"
"Of course I didn't. Packed yet?"
"I'm not going anywhere until you stop speaking bullshit."
"You are going home whether you want to or not. I'll pack for you."
He did so without asking my opinion and I was left sitting up in my bed watching him, not missing his huffs each time he shoved something in my bag. These are my belongings here, he could have an ounce more respect you know? He helped me up and walked me out of the hospital without even acknowledging me until I was in his car.
"The mind is a delicate thing Jon."
I stayed quiet
"That's why it's so easy for me to break you apart, once your mind gives in, your body does too easily."
"I want to make a deal with you Andrew."
He paused and smirked at me watching through a side glance. Then slowly shook his head.
"The last time you made a deal with me you got in this situation, are you sure?"
"Yes. On my terms."
"Ah but last time I didn't really let you think about it for long."
"I want to make a deal. Enough said. May I continue with the terms?"
He let out a breath of surprise and motioned for me to go on.
"You have to say exactly what you mean for the entirety of the last day, no cryptic clues or hidden meanings or inexact responses."
"And what for?"
"You can choose, I have no idea."
"That's not a good deal on your part Jon."
"Sounds like your type of deal then"
He let out a cold laugh, mainly to satisfy my dry humour I'm guessing but I don't understand what goes on anymore. We were almost friends on the second day? No, acquaintances, close acquaintances.
"You have to spend a day with your father."
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"No punishment?"
"That is kinda anticlimactic."
"Do you want me to consider some other options?"
"No! I mean, no, I'm good with that one."
He smirked looking down at me at my expense, I tried to have an air of confidence about me but it didn't fully work out. It never does but at least I can say I tried.
"So, have we got another deal?"
He raised his hand causing me to flinch then realise it was meant for us to shake hands. He caught on to my reaction though and grinned.
"Y-Yeah we have."
I shook his hand and his grip tightened to the point he was crushing the bones, well, it felt like it. I winced at the pain as he pulled me in so we were closer.
"And don't even think of asking me any questions out of the ordinary. I will only hold my part as long as you don't ask anything personal. I can refuse."
"But that's not what I -"
"- Shush I'm driving."
He was fine driving while talking to me before, just proof he couldn't think of a good enough insult in time. Nevertheless I kept quiet until we got home, this time he didn't help me up but that was entirely expected anyway so thanks a lot Andrew. Seriously, cheers. Once I was inside I shut the door behind me and walked into the living room, unfortunately Andrew was on the couch.
"I can't believe you made a deal with me."
"I can't believe you agreed."
"After all this time you still haven't learnt a thing?"
"I don't think I can learn anything from you."
"Jon, my darling, remember when I said I had to hold myself back?"
I nodded and he smiled sarcastically
"Well since you obviously don't want that in this deal of ours, I won't include it. You wanted no secrets. That's what you're going to get."
"Wait -"
"- You wanted the deal on your terms. You just weren't careful."
He laughed to himself before continuing
"And you said you couldn't learn anything from me."
"Wait Andrew I -"
"The deal is done, no turning back. Come on it's lunchtime."
He got up and almost left the room then turned to prompt me to follow. And, like an idiot, I didn't hesitate to stand and follow him out of the living room.

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