sixth hour.

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The familiar beeping sound of Todoroki's watch marking the beginning of the sixth hour stirred around the lingering silence in the malfunctioned elevator.

It's been silent for quite a while. Due to exhaustion after their 3 attempts the past hour, Todoroki and Bakugou retraced themselves back to their respective corners.

It's been silent for quite a while. And when it's silent, inevitably so- Bakugou is granted time alone with his thoughts.

He came to terms with a few things.

First of all, Bakugou only took notice of how hot it actually was in the elevator. He didn't know why he didn't take note of the sweat building up in every part of his body. Well, if anything, he was just thankful that he wore a tank top this morning.

Second, now that there isn't anything to do, he feels hungry. Like all of his anger and frustration has been sending his hunger to a state of dearth, concealing it as if it was nothing. And now that there is no anger nor frustration present, his stomach growls impatiently at him for only being filled with a single sunny side up egg this morning.

With a small tch, Bakugou turned his head slightly to see the two-way colors of the Todoroki's hair, and the faded grey V neck underneath the sweatshirt that he removed (Todoroki had probably noticed it was getting warm too), and then he wonders— has the half and half bastard eaten today? But then he cancelled that thought remembering that he was no ordinary scum bag, rather, he was a rich scum bag. The bastard probably had a good heavy breakfast.

The Half and Half Bastard. The rich scum bag. Todoroki Shouto. Now that he's thinking about it, Bakugou isn't... necessarily mad at him anymore.

Bakugou knew that. Because it finally felt like the fire of loathe within him has died out. Instead, it's replaced with a different kind of fire— one where which his heart was set aflame but didn't burn. Some may call it warmth, but he didn't wanna put any label to it. Bakugou left the feelings as it was and decided not to address it.

Why would he even bother to mind with those quote on quote bullshit emotions when there are more important matters like the fact the two of them have been stuck here for already six hours?

Maybe it's the elevator. Maybe it's cursed. Because Bakugou swore with his whole life that he'd hate the man named Todoroki Shouto as long as forever can go. And forever can go a pretty long way-

"Say, Bakugou, why do you hate me so much?"

The question cut of Bakugou's thoughts before he even had the time to blink again. It was abrupt, candid, and it took Bakugou a few moments of blinking before turning to Shouto and growling, "Huh? The fuck you mean?"

Todoroki slumped, "Why're you always so mean to me?" He bellows.

The nerve of this guy. Bakugou swore he'd be braincell-less by the time he'd be out of this elevator.

It's a rhetorical question— more of stupid actually, in Bakugou's dictionary. What a fucking hypocrite.

"You-You were fucking with me first! I won't allow anyone do that shit to me without gettin' fucked up too!" Of course Bakugou was baffled, this guy- this asshole- was asking why he was obscene towards him when the scum bag was practically doing the same thing in return?

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