Chapter Ten

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"I'm bored." Although she knew she sounded like a whiny toddler, Breqlynn didn't care. It'd been a full twenty-four hours of lying around in Wolfrick's bed. Minus the wolf. He'd been distant since yesterday when he'd left to meet the delivery men. Apparently, he was "busy" with interior decorating. Then there was "king business" and her personal favorite, "working to protect her." As if she couldn't take care of herself.

If it weren't for the heated looks Wolfrick gave Breq during his brief visits, she'd be seriously rethinking her decision to give him some.

As it was, Breqlynn laid awake, waiting for Jaeger to come back and finish what he'd started. Pitiful, she knew. It turned out furniture for the other, unoccupied guest rooms had been delivered. The wolf must have opted to spend the night in one of them. If that wasn't pout-worthy, she didn't know what was.

For her part, Breq only left the bed to use the large bathroom attached to her current prison. It had a large, freestanding tub that would tempt any woman to spend hours embraced within its spacious confines. But with a hole in her side that still wasn't healing, she could only shower and try to keep it dry.

"One of these days," Breqlynn promised the tub as she walked by on the way to raid the wolf's tees, "it's just going to be you and me."

Last evening, Gideon delivered Breqlynn's cell. She was told that he'd grabbed it for Wolfrick while she was passed out in the king's lap. But, how did he get past her wards to retrieve the phone? The opportunity to ask never arose as Gideon's visits were briefer than Jaeger's.

Wolfrick didn't have a television in his room. Breq's options were to sleep, surf the web on her phone or think. Her brain no longer hurt; it had gone numb.

After spending hours overthinking the issue, Breqlynn decided she'd enjoy as much of Wolfrick as she could. Once the bond was broken, she was sure this insane need would go away as well. Why not give in to temptation until then? Besides, he clearly wasn't fighting their mutual anymore. Even if Jaeger was distant now, Breq could still feel his desire for her through the bond. Why shouldn't she give in as well? An apprehensive, pretend virgin she was not.

The sound of fist meeting flesh-covered bone brought Breq out of her ruminations. She cringed at the phone in sympathy. "I hope you were the one doing the hitting, Aeddon."

"Dammit, Breq. I told you-" Aed paused and Breqlynn heard more evidence of a fight, "-I'm busy!"

The call was disconnected, and Breq pouted at the screen. There was nobody else to call. Everyone was busy. Even bubbly Micah threatened to do Breqlynn bodily harm if she called one more time. Feisty, little human.

The grumbling of Breq's stomach brought her out of her funk. The babies were hungry again. "You're going to make your mama fat," she told them as she eyed the bell on the nightstand. Gideon brought it yesterday with her phone. Using it was fun at first, but after the first dozen or two times, the wolves were getting grumpy.

"Come on, babies, let's get you fed."

Being pregnant wasn't a scary prospect for Breqlynn. She had her career, home, and life. Having triplets the first time out was a bit daunting but doable. Twins ran in the family, after all. Having the father wanting to stick around and help raise them? That was the truly terrifying part.

When Breqlynn imagined starting a family, it'd always been her, her children, Keilynn and Aeddon. There was no father present. Darkin women, as countless unbonded witches before them, did it alone. She didn't know how she'd adjust to accommodate Jaeger in her life plans. Damn the man for not willing to be absentee after the bond was broken.

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