Chapter Nineteen

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Breqlynn fought the urge to throw her phone across the room. "He's mine," that Romanian she-bitch claimed as if it were a done deal. Kala watched her balefully from the bed she'd vacated only a moment ago.

Losing the inner battle, Breq's arm reared back. The phone began to ring before she could launch it at the far wall. Checking the caller ID, she saw it was her sister.

"They took Wolfrick into custody," Breq said as Keilynn all but shouted, "They've arrested Gideon and Brice."

"Fuck," Breqlynn swore as Keys cursed, "Shit."

"We found out what Zehra Avci has planned," Keilynn continued before she could be interrupted. "That's why they were arrested - for breaking into her rooms."

It was cold. Breqlynn was only wearing a graphic tee and neon-green socks. As Keys spoke, she walked to the dresser she'd appropriated. Wolfrick wanted her to stay, even after the full moon. She'd agreed, thinking he'd be back in days. Well, days had become weeks. Breq was beginning to feel like a caged beast. She missed her home.

Grabbing a pair of neon, rainbow-colored sleep pants from a middle drawer, Breqlynn pulled them on with jerky motions. Her phone was cradled between her cheek and shoulder. It nearly slipped free a few times. Once her twin was done speaking, she asked, "What did you find out?"

"Zehra's hired a shaman who can bespell Wolf into seeing her as his mate."

"Fuck that noise." Kala woofed in agreement at Breq's outburst. "Our bond should hold them off." Hopping a final time to settle her pants, she hoped she was right. "Besides, he's mine," she growled over the phone, using that she-bitch's words.

"I'm heading your way." Breqlynn heard her sister's car door shut.

"Have you told Aeddon?" Breq's toes were still cold, so she slipped into her comfy, fuzzy, bunny slippers. The soft, pink ears hit her mid-shin.

"I only texted him that you needed us."

"Okay, I'll wake up the rest of the house and fill them in."

"Breqlynn," Keys began before the call ended. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Breq left the bedroom with Kala on her heels. They headed for the opposite end of the house where Wolfrick's Kingsmen were staying. As she walked down the quiet and empty hall, she tried not to lose her shit.

"That Wolf was captured, as well as the only two people who were on his side."

"I appreciate the sentiment Keys, but you have nothing to apologize for." Sin Bae was at the top of the stairs in front of Breqlynn. He must have heard her twin's apology for he gave Breq a curious look. "I have to go. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon, Breq."

The call wasn't entirely ended when Breqlynn addressed the Korean lynx. "There's a problem with Wolfrick. Can you gather the rest of the Kingsmen? We'll meet up in the study." She didn't want to have to go over her current nightmare more than once.

Leaving Sin Bae to it, Breq entered the kitchen and turned on the light. Even though her world was tumbling about like a plastic bag in a windstorm, the babies were hungry. She opened the lid of some leftovers - beef stroganoff. As soon as the smell found her nose, her stomach twisted. Nausea hit fast and hard.

Quickly, Breqlynn replaced the lid and straightened with a hand to her stomach. Shuffling over to the full tea kettle on the stove - the asshole named morning sickness first made an appearance a few days prior - she turned on the burner.

Jonathan entered, took one look at Breq, and ordered her to sit. After giving her shirt a curious look, he went to the stove. As she sat on a barstool, head resting on forearms that were laid on top of the cold, granite countertop, he took down a can of crushed seeds.

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