Chapter Twenty-Two

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Keilynn was fussing with Breq's makeup for the zillionth time when the doorbell rang. Her stomach flipped at the sound.

"Want me to answer it?" Keys asked.

Sucking in a calming breath to settle the butterflies, Breqlynn suddenly smiled. "Not on your life, little big sis."

"Fine," Keys huffed. "I'll stay here and clean up a bit."

Carefully, Breq walked down the stairs. If she managed to survive death-by-strappy-stilettos tonight, it'd be a miracle. One that was saint-worthy, thank-you-very-much.

Safely reaching the first floor, Breqlynn hurried across the hardwood, her shoes clicking in a fast rhythm. Without finesse, she flung the door open. A broad grin she couldn't rein in spread across her lips.

All thoughts of holiness fled when Breq got her first glimpse of her man. Wolfrick was dressed in a charcoal grey suit with a white shirt and black tie. The jacket fit him snugly. Her knees wanted to turn to jelly right there in the entryway.

Behave, Breqlynn sternly told them. She gripped the door jamb for support. "Come on in," she said in smoky tones.

Wolfrick stilled as his eyes took in Breq's hair, makeup, and dress. His stunned expression was very satisfying and made the Keilynn-driven afternoon and evening of torture worth it. She felt that with her sister's help, she'd achieved "pretty."

With a slow blink, Jaeger finally came out of his daze and walked into Breqlynn's house. In the distance behind him, she spotted Amanda, who gave her a double thumbs up.

The Irish woman had been Breq's first call that afternoon. Amanda told her that she had other plans. Looked like spying on Breqlynn for her king was the she-wolf's "other plans."

Before Breq could take Jaeger to task for setting the she-wolf to watching her, his arm came around her waist and rested on her stomach. He pulled her back close to his front and nuzzled her ear. "You are breathtaking, mein Schatz." His low tone sent goosebumps along her bare arms.

Turning her head, Breqlynn tilted it upward and caught Jaeger's gaze. "You're a little hard on the lungs yourself."

A short laugh escaped Wolfrick, and they separated. Then they walked toward the hallway closet off the garage. The long, emerald wool coat, a gift from the Indian First's mate, would offer much-needed warmth.

"How did you know what I was going to wear?" Breq asked in sudden suspicion. Wolfrick dressed to match.

"I've had Amanda standing guard. She overheard what you chose and texted me," Jaeger admitted unabashedly.

Breqlynn wasn't sure if she should be miffed or not as Wolfrick opened the closet door. She decided to remain silent and pointed out the coat to him. He took it off the hanger and held it for her as she slipped it on. Running his hands down her arms, he then stepped back as she fastened the buttons.

"I understand I have Ingeborg Koster to thank for the dress." It seemed Jaeger's spy Amanda told him about Breq's gift from the German First's mate as well.

They were on their way to the front door, and Breqlynn grabbed a slim, black purse off the entryway table. Wolfrick had a hand on her waist. He couldn't seem to stop touching her, she mused happily.

Smoothing the woolen material over her hip, Breq glanced up at Jaeger under her lashes. "Yes. The woman claimed I needed a little black dress." Leaning her left side into him when they came to the door, she purred, "And you can thank Ife Jelani for what's underneath."

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