Fight Night (1) Re-Edited

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Savannah's P.O.V

"Come on Annah there's life outside of the books to you know and ever since last year you've been so closed off. What happened to that fun-loving Savannah Miller that I know and love?" My best friend Elena Gilmore said.

Allow me to share with you a brief glimpse into my personal life. My name is Savannah Miller. I am an ordinary 18-year-old whose life is all about work and school. Elena's life is now easier than mine is. She has gotten everything on a silver platter because of her rich parents. From the first grade onward, two quite different lives were able to draw us closer and closer to one another. "Annah! Stop zoning out on me and listen to me."

"Sorry, Ellie. What were you saying?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Tonight, we're heading to Fight Night, the underground boxing club where my cousin competes. You and I are going to support him tonight since everyone is talking about the fight."

My eyes widen in shock "No, not Fight Night, please? I hate it there you know that."

"Oh stop whining nothing will happen to us. We have protection guaranteed from my cousin."

Irritated I give in quickly, here's the thing I have never won against Ellie in an argument. She is extremely stubborn, and the best thing is to just avoid her aggressive nature. "Who's fighting again?"

Her face lit up knowing I gave in "My cousin Blaze Zander and a newcomer I don't remember his name." She held the school doors for me to pass through

Her face lit up immediately, "My cousin, Blaze Zander, and a newcomer." Ellie held the door open for the both of us to pass through.

"Annah... Come on, please? We haven't been out together in such a long time and ever since that guy mysteriously left last year."

I look down at my shoes, I know she's right but ever since he left me I couldn't find the courage to leave my house. "You know what? Come pick me up in an hour or so."

She grinned pulling me into a tight hug "That ass doesn't know what he left behind Annah."

I chuckled "Let's go," But how will I convince Dad?

She chuckled and backed out of the school parking lot. Since it was not a long trip, I hurried to get out, bid Ellie farewell, and entered my house. "Dad?" I said quietly hoping he was sleeping "Dad? I'm home." I tiptoe upstairs, carefully doing everything in my power to avoid any contact with my dad.

I lock the door behind me as soon as I get into my room and collapse onto my bed. Having to attend Fight Night tonight was the icing on the cake for a terrible day that started with me arriving late to class, getting shouted at by the history instructor, and having juice spill all over my leggings during lunch. I met him on Fight Night. The only man I ever loved or dated was Cage Levi. My ideal partner. He has kissable lips, fluffy hair, a slender build, dark brown eyes that change color in the light, a stunning grin, and an incredible personality. Despite my persistent pleas, he refused to go out and never met Elena. He appeared to be running away from something, but he abruptly left without giving a reason.

. . . The Night He Left . . .

I had just taken a shower and walked into my bedroom when I felt a cool breeze. I turned towards my window only to see Cage leaning against it. "Cage! What are you doing here? You nearly gave me a heart attack."

"I don't have much time Savy, so just listen to me don't talk." I smiled at the nickname only he called me "I am leaving Savy, I need you to keep quiet about me. Don't mention me to anyone, in fact, forget that I was a part of your life."

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