Fight Night (6) Re-Edited

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Savannah's P.O.V

"Water, can someone please get me water?" This is the third time I had to get up at night and give him water. Ellie was peacefully sleeping next to him. I get up groaning from how sore all my muscles are from sleeping on the stupid old mattress.

"Yeah, just give me a second."

"Water, please." He did this every time, I actually don't even know what he was doing, I think he was sleep-drinking. He would take two sips and pass out again.

"You bitch!!" I cringed hearing my Dad yelling at me from downstairs "I'm leaving don't try to sneak any boys here while I'm gone you slut."

"I promise I won't," I said while looking down at Blaze wondering what to do with him. He needs to get out of the house before Dad comes back which will be around 2:30.

I want him gone. However, how? Especially with Ellie here, I don't want to force him out of the state he's in since that would seem harsh. His return to my life is wholly inappropriate, I moaned as I tugged at my hair. Yes, I did miss him, but in the end, I managed everything on my own. By myself, I'm good.

"What are you thinking about?" Blaze got out while trying to sit up wincing.

I walked over to him quickly "What are you doing? You are going to open up the stitches I gave you last night. Lay down."

"You didn't answer my question." Rolling my eyes at him, I slightly push him down and pull his covers down to see his torso. I was right he made them bleed.

"You stretched them out, dumbass."

"Ignoring an injured person-"

"Drop it, Blaze. I'm not going to tell you anything so leave it alone okay?" I pull out the first aid kit and give him a cloth to put in his mouth so he doesn't wake up Ellie.

 Quickly redoing his stitches I went to get up but he pulled me on top of him "What are you doing? You are going to hurt yourself even more."

"Why? Won't you let me in again? What are you afraid of?" I stopped struggling in his arms and let out a sad laugh.

"You know, after you broke up with me and claimed you never loved me, I erased all of your messages, photos, and phone number. However, there were certain things I was unable to erase, like your voice, your touch, and your memories. I was losing my mind; it took me a year, Blaze, to get you out of my system. I cannot endure that once more."

"I'm sorry Savy, I'm so sorry." He said with his eyes glassing over.

"Your sorry doesn't fix anything. It's better if you leave, stop trying to be around me, stop trying to fix shit that can't be fixed. I need you gone." I tried getting up again careful of his cut but he tightened his grip.

"That's where you are wrong.." I look at him confused "Everything can be fixed, even a broken heart."

. . . Flashback. . . 

"Savy" I hear Cage shouting while pounding on my front door "Savannah"

I drowsily get out of bed, walk downstairs, and open the door "What happened Cage? Why are you hitting the door so hard, you are going to wake up my parents."

I see a blood stain on his shirt "Cage? Why are you bleeding so much?"

"Can't tell you... Can I come in please?"

"Why not?" I said still blocking the door.

He groaned throwing his head back a little "Just fucking help me"

"I will after you tell me what happened, you can't just show up at my door with blood all over your shirt not expect me not to ask what happened. Cage why are you always hiding stuff from me? Why are you hiding me?"

"I can't tell you every little detail about my life, all I know is that I need help. Will help me or not?" Cage said growing irritated with me.

But I stand my ground "You are so fucking infuriating. Look for another house Cage and find someone else to hide from the world with you because sure as hell not anymore." I try to slam the door on him, trying to push aside the guilt of leaving him wounded outside. He, on the other hand, jammed his foot before the door closed and roughly pushed it open again.

"Look Savannah, just because we have been talking for a couple of months doesn't automatically mean I will let you know everything about me. I'm not trying to hide anything from you nor am I hiding you. I need help please just let me in. Why won't you let me inside what's with the hostility today?" I was tired of his games, one second he was perfect and then with another, he ignored me. This time he showed up after a week, last time it was a month, and each time he expected it to be okay.

The girlfriend in me always wins instead of the logical side in me. I groaned letting him inside and left to go get the first aid kit as he sat down on the couch in the living room "I'm still mad at you and you know exactly why." I patched him up carelessly not caring about the cusses and the hisses coming from him.

"Savy, I know you're mad but can you at least not take it out on the huge wound on my chest please?"

"What about the wounds that give me? By disappearing for weeks, sometimes months, and then come back like everything is still the same Cage."

"Savannah," He said a bit firmly "I leave but I come back, don't I? I come back to you, for us."

I start wrapping the gauze around him making him lean forward a little bit faces inched away from each other "There's this terrifying thought that goes through my mind every time you pull this disappearing act Cage and it haunts me at night."

"What Babe?" He said pulling me down closer to him

I look away from "That you are going to leave one day, forever breaking my heart to the point where no one will be able to fix it."

He gently pecked my lips "Everything can be fixed Savy, even a broken heart."

. . . Present. . .  

I scoff at him "And who will fix it? You? Please, Blaze, do me a favor and fuck off."

I roughly pushed off him making him wince "That was a cheap hit. I mean if you are mad just tell me, hitting me there is not cool."

"I am going to take a shower before I get out you and Ellie should be gone. Make up any excuse you can but you have to leave before my dad comes. Not in the mood for a beating today."

Blaze's P.O.V

She still loves me. Why is she such an idiot? After everything I put her through, after everything I did to her, is she crazy?

The anger is fake.

The insults are forced.

Her eyes speak in amazing ways, even when she doesn't want them to.She may put up a fight in many ways but she can't deny that I'm the worst thing that happened to her and I'm not going to let that man continue to hurt her.

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