Fight Night (9) Re-Edited

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Savannah's P.O.V

Two hours after Blaze left, after the kiss, I was discharged from the hospital. I'm not sure what I was thinking, exactly what he said, that shouldn't have occurred. He should refrain from approaching. I know what you're thinking—I shouldn't be going to work—but it's the only thing I can do to take my mind off of the problems that have emerged in my life after a year. So I head downstairs in my uniform for work. Upon opening the front door, a body bursts through it and begins to pace the living room. Blaze Zander is the person you guessed right, I'm sure.

"What are you doing here?" I snap at him "You need to get out right now."

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain to me why you haven't told me that your mom passed away two months after I left."

My heart dropped, "You have no right to ask about her. You have no right to talk about her."

"I do. I do have a right because she treated me as her own, not your boyfriend but as a son, like family."

My anger started to bubble through "All you repaid her with was leaving her daughter, repaid her with pain. She treated you as her son wishing you weren't ripped away from her, what did you do huh? Left. Because that's all you know how to do!"

He slammed me against the door "Stop throwing that in my face Savannah! I had a reason, I needed to leave before someone got hurt. I never meant to"

"Never meant to what?! Hurt me? Hurt my family? Well, you did a pretty shitty job, Blaze." I began to struggle against him trying to get away from him before I got lost in his eyes

He groaned throwing his head back obviously getting frustrated with me "I can't win with you. I can never win with you."

Finally managing to push him off I grab my purse from the floor and open the door wide for him "Get out of my house, get out of my life, I am perfectly fine without you. Leave now."

He took a deep breath and looked at my outfit "You are not going to work."

"I am not fighting with you again." I said sighing "I need to go to work, money doesn't just grow on trees, Blaze."

"I never said it does, Savannah. Stop taking everything I say the wrong way."

Ignoring him I walk out of the house and onto the sidewalk towards the restaurant "Savy! You can't go to work you passed out this morning. Give your body a rest."

I continue to ignore him "Savannah Miller!"

"Look, Blaze, you broke away from our relationship a year ago now that you are back don't try to tie me down to you again. I am an independent and strong girl who doesn't need you anymore. I am capable enough to go to work and walk home alone. I am not the same girl that I was a year ago."

"Savannah, I'm not saying you are all I'm trying to say is take care of yourself. I'm just trying to look out for you-"

"Don't, I don't need your pity." He groaned out of frustration

He lifted me up making me let out a shriek "Blaze!! Blaze!! Let me go!!"

"You wouldn't listen to the easy way so we have to do it the hard way."

"Let me go!!"

. . . Flashback . . .

"It wasn't what it looked like Cage! He was just helping me with my grocery bags." I said closing the door behind me, and waiting for his response. "Cage.."

He was fuming with anger, he saw a sweet sales clerk helping with my grocery bags and he thought that he was flirting with me. When it was nothing like that. Right now he was pacing in my living room glaring at the rug. "Babe seriously is this the way you are going to act every time a boy is less than a foot away from me?"

He stopped and turned towards me, his eyes weren't the loving ones that I was used to they were different "You don't understand.." He whispered to me "The way he was looking at you, it wasn't exactly friendly Savy."

"W-What do you mean?" I whisper stepping back a bit my heart was pounding in my chest

"He was looking at you the way I look at you and the only person who is allowed to look at you that way is me."

Then it clicked he was jealous I smile crept on my lips "Cage, I love you. I don't care about the way other guys look at me because I only pay attention to you."

"I wanted to punch that fucker in the face."

Chuckling I walked up to him resting my hands on his shoulders "I love you Charming"

He pulled me in closer by the waist "Love you more Savy."

. . . Present . . . 

He walked down the street, into my house roughly dropping me on my bed and pushing me down again when I went to get up again. "Don't even try Savannah, you need to rest."

I took a deep breath in and looked the other way "I'm going to make you some food."

"I told you I don't want your pity." He grabbed my face harshly digging his fingers into my cheeks.

"I'm not showing you pity I'm just repaying you for the times you patched me up without any questions. I'm trying to return the love you gave me Savy."

I scoff shaking my face out of his grip and shove him away "I don't need it. I don't need you to return the love, you didn't before so what is the point now? I don't care about love, anyone who loves is a fucking idiot. You know why because in the end they just end up getting hurt."

"Being a bitch ends up getting you hurt Savy."

Letting out a dry chuckle "Please being an asshole sure got you somewhere."

"All it got me was hate, nothing else."

"You got what you deserved Blaze, nothing you say with change what happened between us. I will never listen to what you need to say to me because all you are going to do is play games with my mind like you use to-" He took hold of my hair and pulled it back, pressing his lips to mine to effectively silence me. This time, I resisted giving in. When his lips touched mine, everything went crazy. I tried to strike him hard and get him to stop being around me, but he was much bigger than me and kept comforting and luring me in. My eyes began to well up with tears, and while I could taste them in our kiss, he continued without stopping.

Slowly he pulled away still pinning me down "The pain you hide behind your anger is visible to me, the harsh words have questions behind them Savannah I know, and right now isn't the right time to give you all the answers that you are looking for. But I promised something to your mom and that I promise I will never break, so whether you like it or not I am back in your life and that's how it's going to be."

"What promise?" He smiled down at me and gently pecked my lips

"That I'll always be your Prince Charming, the one to save you from your demons, problems, troubles, and from the other side of my world, the other side of me."

Author's Note: I am sorry for the late update, hope you guys will like this chapter, the next chapter is very important and impactful as is this one. I have been busy with a lot of stuff. I graduated on Saturday, had to go visit my cousin in the hospital and I have prom this Saturday so a lot of school and family stuff going on right now. I promise I will try to keep the other chapters as consistent as possible. Sorry again, please enjoy.

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