Chapter 2

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Tsubasa: I've delivered the fan letters for Kitakore and should head back to the office to organize documents.

Yuduki: Uh—......

Haruhi: Ah~......

Tsubasa: They're so exhausted over there on that sofa.
Yuduki-kun, Haruhi-kun, hello. Are you okay?

Yuduki: Ah, Tsubasa-san......

Haruhi: Augh~......

Tsubasa: You seem quite tired. You've been at a dance lesson for Music Party since morning.

Yuduki: Yeah. The coach was a really enthusiastic person.

Haruhi: Augh~......

Yuduki: Haru, get it together. We're going to do ascetic training after this.

Tsubasa: Eh, is that so? That sounds like a little too much......

Yuduki: But Akane is trying even harder, so we can't hold them back.

Haruhi: Also we want to make the BPRO live a success too.

Yuduki: Yeah, definitely.

Tsubasa: Even though these two are exhausted, their eyes are sparkling with motivation......
For today's ascetic training, is it also zen meditation at the temple? In that case, please let me take you there.

Yuduki: Eh, but......

Haruhi: Tsubasa is so busy though......

Tsubasa: Don't worry. It's my job to support you.
I'll take a short break and then leave.

Yuduki & Haruhi: Okay!


Training Days (6th Chapter of NST) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt