Chapter 5

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Tsubasa: Everyone, good job on your lesson.

Akane: Thanks! Tsubasa-chan, what are you doing today?

Tsubasa: I was thinking about bringing some refreshments for you guys since you're working so hard.
I brought some drinks and food, so please enjoy.

Haruhi: Yay! I feel like I've been knocked out cold, so this is a big help!

Yuduki: I'll take this tea.

Miroku: I'll have the sports drink.

Haruhi: I'll have the onigiri. It's boiled egg and there's even a sandwich~!

Akane: Wait, isn't this more than usual? You really went all out on the refreshments today.

Tsubasa: I've been thinking that I want to put in more effort to support everyone to find ways for you to express love.
I should make everyone realize how reckless they are.

Akane: ......I see.
It feels a little embarrassing, but having you cheer us on makes me really glad.
Thanks, Tsubasa-chan.

Miroku: Thanks from me too.

Tsubasa: ......Ah! There something today's schedule.
Once this lesson is over, you're going to do ascetic training, right? Please let me take you there!

Yuduki: Today's lesson will be until late though......

Haruhi: Doing ascetic training late at night is way too sparta!!

Tsubasa: Ah, sorry......!

Miroku: Well, strictness burns me up even more.

Akane: Yeah, I feel the same.

Haruhi: I don't get it! Stop already, I'm begging you!!

Tsubasa: ......First is Music Party which is coming up in 2 weeks. I'll work hard to support them in preparation of that.


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