Chapter 3

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Tsubasa: Good morning!

Miroku: Morning, Tsubasa. ......Why are you here so early in the morning?

Tsubasa: The documents for Music Party have arrived, so I came to hand them to you.

Miroku: Ahh, is that so. Thanks for coming out of your way.

Tsubasa: ......Umm, it's a little quiet here, where are the others......?

Miroku: Yuduki and Haruhi are tired from the lessons and ascetic training, so they're deep asleep.
Akane is in the mansion's gym doing ascetic training by himself. Well, to be accurate, he's doing muscle training to get hyped up for ascetic training.

Tsubasa: Eh, at this hour......!?

Miroku: It's been like this every day recently.

Tsubasa: Akane-kun is amazing. His way of getting motivated is a little different though......

Miroku: The one who puts in the most effort out of us is definitely Akane.
He's been actively incorporating the body and mind training methods we learned during ascetic training into his daily life.
I think he's really incredible for being that thorough.

Tsubasa: He's doing that on top of doing his work...... Rather than effort, it sounds closer to tenacity.
Just why is Akane-kun trying this hard?

Miroku: That's......

Tsubasa: Miroku-kun?

Miroku: Actually, when Akane debuted......

Akane: Miroku, stop!
Don't talk about that.

Miroku: Ah...... You're back.

Akane: Yeah, I finished my planned workout.
Tsubasa-chan, that story just now was nothing. I'm fine, so don't worry about it, okay!

Tsubasa: But......

Akane: Ah, these are the documents for Music Party!
Come on Miroku, let's check it together!

Miroku: ......Got it.

Akane: Tsubasa-chan, thanks for bringing it to us!

Tsubasa: It was nothing......
Well then, I'll excuse myself. Have a good day.

Akane: Yeah, you too!


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