Chapter 4

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Tsubasa: I've delivered the documents about Music Party......
I was worried about Akane-kun doing too much, but he himself said not to worry, but he's definitely trying too much.
I want to know the reason why Akane-kun is putting in so much effort...... I won't be able to stop his recklessness if I don't know why.
Okay, let's do this.

Tsubasa: Shuji-san, sorry for asking you for some of your time all of a sudden.

Shuji: No, it's fine. I was free until noon anyways.
What did you need?

Tsubasa: It's about Akane-kun...... Shuji-san was also worried, but it seems like he's being reckless.
I want to stop him no matter what, but I think it'd be difficult since I don't know the reason why he's being reckless.
That's why I asked to talk to you today.

Shuji: I see.

Tsubasa: I heard from Miroku-kun that when they debuted, something happened, so I wanted to ask you that.

Shuji: ............
I'll tell you then. Well, it's probably good timing too.

Tsubasa: What exactly happened to Akane-kun when he debuted......

Shuji: The truth is
Originally, I intended to debut Akane as a member of THRIVE.

Tsubasa: ......Eh?

Shuji: However, Akane's personality didn't match THRIVE. I decided that and reconsidered.

Akane: Starting today, you guys will be THRIVE. Goshi, Yuta, Kento, congrats on your debut!

Kento: Thanks, Akane.

Yuta: But we won't be with Akane-chin...... Even though there were talks of the 4 of us would debut.

Goshi: That was just gossip. You can't trust stuff like that.

Yuta: That's true but......

Akane: Yuta, don't worry. I'm still not that capable.
It's only natural that I wouldn't be able to debut with you guys ahaha......

Goshi: Just why are you smiling! If you know you're not that capable, then put in more effort!

Yuta: Hey, Gochin!

Kento: Goshi, you said too much. You already know what Akane is capable of.

Akane: It, it's okay! Yuta, Kento. I'll put in a lot of effort and catch up to you guys!

Tsubasa: So something like that happened......

Shuji: My decision hurt Akane and he's felt inferior since then and has become reckless now.
However, Akane belongs in KiLLER KiNG. There's no doubt about that. Their bond is real.

Tsubasa: That's true, it wouldn't work if it wasn't the 4 of them now. I can't imagine a KiLLER KiNG without Akane-kun......

Shuji: ......What I just told you, do you think it'll help?

Tsubasa: Yes, thank you very much.
I understand the reason why Akane-kun is being so reckless......
Akane-kun has strong feelings to work hard so that he won't be held back.
So what I should do is......


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