Chapter 4 : Befuddled

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Due to Ms. White's excitement over the car, the ride really wasn't awkward as I had feared it would be. Instead it was filled with one of her insane ramblings.

I had already admitted defeat trying to catch up with her though seeing her nervous ticks , I guess she was talking about her worries about the dinner.

"....-at Samantha's party, I was standing...Oh! Sam's my neighbors by the way, so I was saying-"

"Miss White!" I started and then continued rather softly,

"You don't  need to worry about anything. You will do fine.Just don't loose your confidence. Take a deep breath."

And fine it was. The deal was practically already ours. This was just a formality. Miss White was the perfect. Though Mr. Hall was far too interested in her than the deal and she took and dealt with it with gusto. 

I, not so much. I really wanted to punch the lights out of that sleazy bastard. And this shocked me as I was someone extremely professional and avoid making a scene. I am sure that Sarah will definitely drive me crazy with all these changes.

Yes, thats right. I said, "Sarah".
I was asked to do so by Mis-no, Sarah. She had said all her friends did so.

"Sure" I had said nonchalantly though it was irrational how much it pleased me to be included in the 'friends' list.

The awkward part came in while bidding her goodbye .I knew that this wasn't a date. The presence of another man at dinner proved that but still the desire to kiss her goodbye was intense.It took every ounce of my strength to leave her there without acting on my urges.

As I sat myself on my couch after reaching home, I smiled at the thought of her melodious smile and keen, bright eyes.

I contemplated over my feelings for Sarah.

Did I really have feelings for Sarah? Did I actually like her?

I can't....I shouldn't....I don't....Do I?

Damn you Emily!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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