Deleted Scene - Hero

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Bomb's were going off left and right. Gun fire rang through the air.

Hydra had taken a load of soldiers hostage. To lure in Cap. And one of them was Stan.

He currently sat in a cell, trying to figure a way out. He tried hitting the bars, but it wouldn't move. Stan looked out the bars the best he could, to see Dugan and Falsworth running down the hall.


They stopped upon hearing Stans voice, running over to the cell.

"Stan! Dang, we thought you disappeared!"

Stan sighed.

"Nope. Been in here all night. Can you get me out?"

Dugan inspected the bars, while Falsworth kept look out for Hydra soldiers.

"Hang on a sec"

Dugan looked around for something to pick the lock, when Bucky rounded the corner, running towards them.

"Guys! Red Skull is getting closer. We gotta move!"

Bucky stopped upon seeing Stan.

"Hold on! Im gonna get you out of there!"

He ran up to the bars, trying to pull on them. Nothing.

Bucky quickly looked around, to find a fire gun.

"Stan, move back as far as you can!"

Stan moved to the back of the cell, waiting for the fire to come.

Within 10 seconds, Bucky burned a hole into the cell, freeing Stan.

Stan ran out of the cell, giving Bucky a pat on the back.

"Thanks man. Don't know what i would have done if you hadn't come by"

Bucky smiled.

"Can't leave a fellow soldier behind"

Cap came running down the hall, throwing his shield at Hydra soldiers behind the guys.

Everyone ducked before it could hit them. Bucky grinned.

"Nice hit Cap"

Steve ran up to them, grabbing his shield off the wall.

"Come on guys. We have to move!"

Dugan smirked, then howled down the hallway, gun pointed in the air. Bucky and Stan looked at one another, then did the same.

And that's how Bucky saved Stan :)

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