Deleted Scene - Watcher

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Bucky stood on the edge of the building, watching Allie as she walked around her apartment.

Ever since he left, he couldn't wrap his mind around why he couldn't do it.

He was supposed to kill her. Plain and simple. Just like the other times.

But for some reason, he couldn't do it. Everytime they would tell him his mission, he'd simply nod, take his sniper and go.

But once he was faced with her, he just couldn't do it.

He'd sat there all night just watching her, feeling this protective feeling in him.

He couldn't explain it.

The Hydra part of his brain told him to kill her and get it over with.

But the part of him that was still there, that never really left him, told him not to.

That she was someone you shouldn't kill.

In the apartment, when he had her pinned to the wall, he was prepared to get it over with, but he looked down into her eyes, seeing the way she looked at him.

That's what stopped him everytime. The look in her eyes.

When they showed him a picture of her for the first time, and everytime they said her name, the way he felt when he saw her was unexplainable.

He'd never felt this way about any of his missions.

Until her.

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