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Chapter4::dtd 20.04.2019

Khushi ignored what Arnav said. Payash talked with their families. They were more than happy for their kids. Thus the date got fixed for engagement. 

The engagement is fixed for the Sunday before Khushi's and Payal's Study leave starts.
Preparations are going in full swing.
Getting no further response from Khushi to his indirect proposal, Arnav decided to open up to Khushi. While Khushi decided to ignore Arnav.

Payal and Khushi along with Payal's family and Raizadas reached AR for selecting the dress. As usual, Amaya tagged along with Khushi. Arnav and Amaya had planned to take Khushi away from the rest. So that Arnav can spend some time with Khushi.

"Payal, Amaya wanted to shop. You guys carry on

"That's not a problem I will come back and choose. I won't take time. You are the bride to be. And please inform Raizadas if they ask about Amaya. "

"That's fine. "

"By the way, Payal choose wisely. Don't want to kill your Akash on engagement day itself, do we? Save something for Marriage and especially First Night." Khushi teased.

"Shut up Khushi. You just go from here and don't come back any soon." Payal faked anger trying hard to hide her blush.

"Come Kukku. I know the store very well. Mom used to drag me and Dad whenever she wanted to tear Dad's purse."

"She used to work here right?"

"Yes. My mom was managing this Outlet. But when she married Dad, Arnie shifted her to office. You know why?"

"Why? "

"Arnie says that as Mom was here Dad always makes excuses to come here. So he was never available there in the office. So my intelligent Arnie shifted Mom to the office."

"Aren't your parents coming down for the engagement?"

"Yes, they will come."

"Don't you miss them?"

"No. Arnie is there for me. My Mom and Dad think that it's only them in the home. They start their coochiku anywhere. Once Arnie caught them doing coochiku in our living hall. I was playing outside. You know, I always give them privacy. But Arnie then thought their PDA might spoil me. So he took me with him. And send them to London the very next week. Anyways Arnie is my most favourite person in the whole world."
Amaya said hugging herself.

"Am I there somewhere on your list?"

"You are my second favourite."

"Oh, I am so honored." Khushi bowed down to her.

"You know that's where my Mom Dad met for the first time. Amaya told pointing to a cabin. That cabin was Mom's. Arnie had sent Dad to check on the outlet and there he met Mom.

Arnie was the cupid in their love story. So I am returning the favour by being cupid in his." She muttered the last line under her breath.

"You said something?"

"No. Kukku, umm ....will you go and get me a glass of water? It's around the corner. I will wait in that cabin. It's free anyway. "

"Oh-kay. You stay in the cabin. I will get you water. Don't go anywhere."

"Don't worry Kukku. I am familiar with this store. I won't get lost. You be careful."

She was just going to where Amaya pointed out when she was pulled into a door to No Entry. It was Arnav.

"What is this Mr.Raizada?" Khushi asked shocked by his sudden stunt.

"Hai Khush." He greeted her ignoring her question.
"I asked what are you up to?"

"What else? Obviously, to choose a dress for you." Arnav said.

"I was doing the same down there with everyone. The outfits are there."

"But they aren't my creations. These are." He said opening the door to an elegant room.

The room was huge. With mirror walls and roof. It had outfits of the various kind displayed. Every kind of it. For men and women. From Indian to Western. She was awestruck watching it all.

She went towards them and felt beauty emitting from each one of them. She felt like she was in some fairyland. But his voice came pulling her out of it.

"Those are my creations before I met you. So leave them. He leads her to the right. These are the latest. Never been displayed to anyone's eyes. You choose from here. From my exclusive collection." Arnav said proudly displaying his work to her. The one which he designed keeping her in mind.

"I think you misunderstood me. I am Khushi. I am not the bride to be. Payal is. She should wear from l the exclusive collection. Not me."

"You are also a bride-to-be. All that's left is your approval. Everything is ready for you."
He took steps towards her.

"Look Mr.Raizada.  I know what you are hinting at. But spare me. I ain't interested in all these." Khushi said stopping him.

"Not interested in what?"

"I am just finishing my graduation. I have a lot to do. Study more, build up a career, earn a fair job with a fair salary. These are my priorities. "

"I ain't against all these. I will support you in every step you take. I will walk all the lanes with you." He tried.

"Why don't you understand? I am just 22. What you are asking is a huge thing. I ain't ready yet. For the cliche love stories or the commitment.  I am of no age to decide such a huge thing. I know nothing about this world. About you."

"Then you should get to know me."

"Are you flirting now?"

"Maybe." He said huskily. But changed his tone watching her glare at him. "Ok Ok. Khushi all I am asking for is a chance for us to happen. What's wrong with that?"

"Why did I even try to make you understand my point? Forget it! Spare me." With that, she turned to leave the room

"Khushi stop. What's wrong? Khushi, Khushi?" He tried to stop her. But she didn't stop. And left.

"Damn.  Why does this girl don't get me? All I am asking for is a chance."

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