Chapter 3

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"There's way more to this place than what meets the eye," Ben said after we had sat in front of the projector. After our small bonding moment earlier, Ben had turned the power on, and the projector automatically turned on. "What do you mean?" I ask. His semi-deep voice sounded bored, "Exactly what I said." 

"Okay, but elaborate." He noticed my exasperation. Of course, with a bit of a smile, he said, "There are multiple other floors." My annoyance was immediately cast away, and instead, my actions made me look quite excited, "Well, how do we get down there?" 

He stood up and started walking away, "Follow me." 

It's not like I wasn't going to do that anyway...

I stood up and hurriedly walked to his side. 

Eventually, we ended up about 5 feet away from the entrance. "Huh??" I questioned aloud, "You're not kicking me out, are you?" 

He shook his head, "No way. This is the easiest and quickest way down." He tapped the boards in front of us with the tip of his foot. "Stand back," He warned, and I took a step behind him. Then, he stomped once. 

By reflex, my hands grabbed his upper arm, thinking he was going to fall. The boards clashed down to the floor beneath us, creating a dangerous hole in the wood. He stood back, able to keep his balance, and moved his head to where he was looking at me. His eyes moved back and forth between me and my hands, tightly clasped around his subtle muscles.

"Ah- sorry." I apologize, taking my hands off of him. He smirked cockily, before taking a hold of my waist firmly, which made a gasp escape my lips. "What are you-" He interrupted me, saying, "Hang on tight." He forcefully stepped back, and whatever space was left between us, was closed by my body ramming into his. My head hidden into his chest muffled my screams. 

The wind going through my hair as we fell was enough to make me shiver, but that sensation didn't last long, as we both came to a halt. I used my hands to un-press my body against his and pant softly. "How stupid can you be?" I raised my voice at him, my face boiling hot with anger. We could have had been injured if he hadn't landed on his feet! I look up at the ceiling. The floor above us was much higher than I thought. 

Looking back at Ben, I noticed his arms were still around my waist. He saw that I was looking at his hands, and pulled away, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking to the side. 

"My stupidity never wavers," He says, looking back at me with an irresistible smirk again. I looked around the room and notice an ax leaning against a tomb. "Wait," I whisper, mainly to myself, then look at the ground beneath us. We both were standing over an inky, messy pentagram. Noticing the horror of the situation I take a few steps back until I was standing off of the circle, then continue to stare at it, simply observing.

Ben did the same thing as I did, and crouched down, "What're you looking so closely at?" He asks, and I respond, "I'm trying to think of what this could have been used for." Sacrifices? 

"Were there any sacrifices?" He claimed, "Maybe." He stood back up and walked towards the ax, taking it in his hand by the handle and spinning it into the air, catching it by the handle again. "If anything, they were trying to bring something back to life." My gaze slowly turned to Ben's, and I caught him looking at me as well. "Was that a guess?" I ask. He must know way more than I originally thought.

Sure, I could tell he had a bit of an idea of what was going on here, going by several things he has said to me, like him wanting to keep the trust of my dad longer, or the 'you'll find out soon' crap, but something like this...

"Perhaps," He said with a cocky attitude. Then, spinning his ax in his hand once more, he took the ax and hit a piece of wood, which was clearly a thin plank, considering it broke very easily. I watched each plank being cut in half and falling to the ground. "Do you know why someone put the planks up?" 

He answered, "Probably to keep idiots like you out." 

"Okay, you know what?" I say, taking full offense.

"Hmm?" He hummed in question, finding my reactions entertaining.  

"You making rude comments like that really kinda puts me off."  My remark made him smile. "I think you figured out by now that I clearly like your reactions." He bluntly said. 

Honestly, I retorted, "You're right, but I still take offense." He sighed, "Sure, I said it like that, but you took it to heart too quickly," He explained, "It's dangerous back there for people who aren't used to being here." My shoulders loosened the moment I let out a loud groan. "Asshole." 

"You don't even need to mention that I am an ass. I already know. But I guess we're both assholes in these situations." He turned his body enough for his head to be able to look towards me and winked. I jolted in my place, unexpecting the cockiness. Then, he turned back around and starting cutting down more of the thin planks. 

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