Chapter 10

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Ben and I walked next to each other, following behind Boris. We turned left and ended up between two entrances. Still following Boris, we walked through the right side. 

"Holy crap..." I said aloud, looking up at the big machine that had ink dripping down from the inside of it. Big plushes of Bendy and signs scattered around the floors and leaned against the walls. What even was the point in all of this? Why are there so many mysteries regarding my dad's job? I just don't understand any of this!

Up ahead was a flight of stairs.  I was the first to get on them and start walking up. I can't tell if I'm just simply excited or I'm wanting to solve the mysteries of this place faster and get home. Leaving this place... would be nice, wouldn't it? To get back to my old life of just being curious and not doing anything about that curiosity. Back when I could use those now seemingly pointless wrestling moves. My lips curved upwards in a small smile. Thinking about my life at home made me instantly cheer up. Ben walked next to me, wanting to hold onto my hand or something so he could help me if I needed it, in case I tripped I guess. 

I followed the wires that guided me to a room. Shelves of plushies kept me from going through. "Ben, follow the wires back and pull the lever," I say aloud. He did as I said, and left the room. As soon as I heard the clang, I started looking around. Boris had entered the room, and Ben followed after. "What are you doing?" He said, watching me look around the room. "I'm trying to open the door," I say, looking at the wheels and finding a plushie between them, that prevented them from spinning. Ben had grabbed one that was too tall for me to reach. "Thanks," I say, then turn to see Boris grabbing the last one. 

I go back to pull the lever, and the shelves that held all of the plushies glided over, revealing a small room. Running towards the small room, I press play to the tape recorder. 

"The merchandise wasn't being sold..." Weren't the cartoons like, famous? The merchandise should have had been sold immediately. "So the hype died down," I guessed aloud. "Not entirely," Ben claimed, "Joey Drew studios became bankrupt."

"Bankrupt!" I repeated in shock. No way! The cartoons were so popular. What could have happened? 

"I'm not sure how they became bankrupt either," Boris said, peering down at the tape recorder in curiosity. "I guess we'll find out." I walk over to the lever and pull it once more, which then the shelves moved over and revealed a door that opened to a room. 

All three of us walked into blinking lights that turned off for not even a second, then turned back on. Straight ahead was a recording studio with a window. I walked towards it, then all of a sudden the room was pitch black. The mini TVs turned on, which gave Ben and Boris the way to either of my sides. The multiple TVs produced music that advertised Alice Angel. 

"I see the three of you." A distorted voice had spoken. Ben grabbed a tight hold on my hand while Boris stepped barely an inch closer to me. They sure are overly protective, aren't they?

"And a new fly for the collection of my endless web of misery," 

"Let go of her." Her voice raised, "I need to see if she has the worth of walking with the angels." I only saw a glimpse of her dark and wretched body before the lights fully turned on. There was a large hole of broken glass that broke into the recording studio. 

Maybe it was because of the lights flickering, but I feel kind of...

I stumbled, Ben's hold on my hand keeping me from falling and Boris who stood behind my body steadied me. "Woah there," The jerk said, his hands on both of my shoulders. "What's wrong with you today?" He asked forwardly, as Ben had a concerned look on his face, but his eyes told me that he was probably thinking the same thing. "I dunno," I say. My heart raced for some reason.

I gained my posture and looked towards my left, seeing a pathway. Ben had made me hang onto his arm, in case if I felt faint again, and Boris walked ahead of us, once again leading the way. 

I feel so weak in this place. I'm never like this.

This place is messing with me in ways I could never imagine. Maybe it was the overlapping strong stench of ink that followed me. Is it so strong that my legs feel numb? What sense does that make? I involuntarily shake my head. Or maybe it could be the yearning to remember these people that I assume I used to call my friends. 

Slowly, I notice, my growing familiarity with being by them. Is this what it felt like in the past? Knowing there were people around me to protect me where I go?

All three of us stumbled in front of two separate halls. The Demon and the Angel. Boris turned around to face me, standing in front and in between the two signs. 

"Which way?" I ask. 

"It's up to you," Boris said. I took a moment to ponder. I look towards Ben, who was staring down the demon hall, then looked down to his feet as he pulled my arm slightly closer to himself. Boris was instead looking at me, awaiting my decision. "Demon... path." 

"Then let's go," Boris had said, serving Ben a conflicted look before turning back around and walking towards the hall. 

"Ben," I start, "Do you not want to go through it?" 

"It's fine," He said, getting rid of his worried expression that Boris had apparently noticed a few seconds ago. 

"Don't push yourself," I repeated the line that Boris had said to me. He chuckled, "I'm fine, seriously."

I don't want you to be more hurt than you already are. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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