Chapter 4

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The planks that held the door shut fell to the ground. "Let's go," Ben said, opening the door and allowing me to go first. "I don't really want to go in first.." I say, shifting in my stance. "Pfft," He let out a laugh, "I'll still lead the way, you wuss." As I walked passed him, I questioned, "Was that an insult?" He shrugged, walking away from the door and in front of me, "Take it any way you want to." We walked down two or three of the stairs, and a few pieces of wood broke and fell from the roof of the stairwell with a loud thud. 

Startled, I jumped, "Oh my gosh." He snickered, "See what I mean? Wuss." It's apparent he has been smiling and laughing more, compared to when we first met earlier. I decided not to answer, getting the idea that he's trying to madden me. 

We continue walking, and on the wall in front of us, there was a saying, 'He will set us free.' 

"Ben," I tug on his sleeve. "What does that mean? And please give me an actual answer." I released my hand from his sleeve and stared at the messy inked message. "Exactly what it says." But who's HE? I kept my question to myself. We turned the corner and there was a tape recorder. "We missed the one upstairs.." I said, remembering the other recorder. 

"It's fine," He said, and pressed the play button. A voice of which I felt like I recognised sounded through the small speaker on the recorder. "Sammy Lawrence," I mutter. I shuddered at his calm voice, which was also a little bit shaky. "Can I get an amen?" That phrase made my heart drop. Then, behind us, a voice was loud and clear, and said the same exact thing that the recorder said. The voices were almost exactly alike. 

"I said, can I get an amen?" I almost felt like it was said in my ear. I whipped around, clearly frightened. Then, I look over to Ben, who was staring at me. Had I imagined his voice? 

 "How do you know his name?" He asked. His expression looked dark, yet curious. I explained, "I listened to the voice recordings on our home phone. He said his name in them and the voice sounds familiar." I didn't mention that I felt like I've heard his voice in my memories that I don't remember. 

"I see," He muttered. Looking at his expression again, he looked almost sorrowful. "What's wrong?" I ask without realising. I didn't want him to find out that I can read his expressions. Apparently, he doesn't even realise that he sucks at masking his emotions. 

"Nothing," He claims. I disbelieve his words. 

We walked further down the halls, taking left and right turns, until we came across a small hallway that has a sea of ink. Ben stepped into it easily, then turned to me when he realised my hesitation. "You want me to carry you?" He said, a bit flirtatiously. I shook my head and crossed my arms, "I'll just wait here for you to come back."

"Sadly, it's not that easy. You need to come down this hallway to enter the next part of the building." 

I grimaced. "I feel like I'm depending on you a bit too much," I say, watching him step back out of the black substance. His pants are oozing with the ink. I couldn't help but cringe when it dripped onto the floor. "Your clothes are ruined." I said, a bit sympathetic.

"It's fine," He looked down to his pants, then back to me. "I'm fine with you depending on me. It's not too much of a bother." 

"Well, okay." I say, then gasping when he picked me up bridal style. 

"I'll try my best not to get any ink on you," He winked. "Don't disappoint me." I mocked, and he stepped into the ink. My arms laced around his neck loosly. Is it bad that I believe that he actually will keep me clean? I probably shouldn't trust him this much. Apart from looking at the sea, I brought my gaze to his face. 

He's done a lot so far for me, I think it'd be rude to not trust him. 

"What?" He asked, looking at me. I notice that we are out of the ink, yet he hasn't let me out of his grasp. "Thank you," I muttered, but he doesn't let me go and instead, keeps looking at me. 

"Why were you staring at me so intently?" He had a small smile upon his face, "You falling for me?" 

"Oh please. We just met! I don't fall in love that quickly. I was just thinking..." He let me out of his grasp and setted me down safely to the ground. "No problem," He responded to my thanks. 

We walked to the closed gate. "I saw some switches back there." I used my thumb to point behind me. "I can go back there and find the switches. I think I know where they are too," He said.

"There's two back there, from what I saw." I retorted, and then he suggested, "You can find the one that's here then." He left without me being able to even say "okay."

I walk back to the shelves, and notice the cut-out. Now that I think about it, I've seen these pretty much everywhere. I wonder what their importance is? I let my finger tip wipe the cardboard, allowing the dust to go on my finger. "Ew," I claim, and wipe my finger on my clothing.

Looking behind cans of bacon soup, I remembered how at home, my dad was obsessed with this soup. I could never find out why though. It didn't taste that good to me, but whatever. I find the switch and press it.

"You got it?" Ben's voice was loud in my ear and I jumped, yet again startled. "Geez!" Irritated, my voice raised. He chuckled and walked ahead of me, pulling the lever near the gate. I hurried to his side and watched it open. The floor shook with its pressure. I felt Ben's grip on my wrist, most likely trying to keep me steady. 

He quickly released me and began cutting down the planks. In the meantime, I watched him, but swear I saw a black figure walk behind me. Turning my head, I eye the hall. With no success, I turn back around and see Ben waiting for my attention. "You ready?" He asked.

My heart raced. Through this door begins the real investigation. With my heart racing, I nod, "Let's go." 

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