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         I shouldn't have come to the abandoned mobile, I shouldn't have talked to this girl, I shouldn't have let my guard down! Now I've gone and figured out information that's going to get me killed! Removed! She's suggesting a revolution this is ridiculous! It'll be like bringing a knife to a gun fight! What is she thinking! I deeply wish I were back in the comfort of my block, I wish this day didn't even happen honestly. I would have rather died from the lack of my Respect Pin than be known for a failed coup. At least with the Pin the people would feel some level of pity for me, maybe they'd believe I'd been done an injustice, but this, in the eyes of the public is unforgivable!

         "Well? Are you in?" She asked intently.

         "You are literally going to die if you try this." I muttered. I noticed her lack of disappointment, rather she had an increased look of excitement in her eyes.

         "Oh silly! Who said I'm doing this alone? What do you take me for? An idiot? The Opposition is literally like half this State's population."

" WHAT." I was shocked, as often as that was occurring today I didn't think my day would be any more shocking, but here I am. "If half the population hates our leader...or leaders... fuck I don't even know, point is if half the population hates this, then why haven't we overthrown the government yet?"

"Well we consist of mainly commoners, the people we are against are who control everything and are usually part of the major and minor O Men party. The people in the minor O Men party control the majority of the State's military, and economy. They're doing a shitty job with our economy but the military I'm afraid is pretty solid. The major O Men party on the other hand, controls the rest of the State. us the citizens, our communications with our previous ally, current enemy, the Union State, and what we hear, see, and if they do well enough, what we think."

That last bit struck me, that they could even control what I think. No way they control how all 900 million people in their state think. Absurd. They couldn't control what I think, right?


"Well I have to g- and she's gone again" there was no trace of her, as if she was never there in the first place, and I had just imagined it this whole time. Interesting. Still don't like her though. As I walked back to my class, I began to wonder, what a world it would be to think out loud and not become a walking target, but I suppose my apparent intelligence is target enough. Part of me feels to be at ease simply for the fact that I know what's wrong with this place now, it's always felt unnatural to hold every emotion in, to hold my tongue all the time, to be punished for self expression. It just didn't seem to quite normal. At best I already stick out because of my obvious intelligence, I truly am surprised I haven't been removed yet.

"Hey! Stop let me go I didn't do anything I swear I ju-" I turned towards the sound of the yelling and I saw them, The Observers dragging away a defector, seemingly a 14 or 15 year old boy, hair, platinum blonde but his skin, rather dark. He's pretty scrawny and looks as if he hasn't eaten in days, his shoes were worn down beyond repair and he seemed to be wearing the torn remains of night clothes, suggesting it may have been nighttime when he came to this condition. Just as things began to happen, I've begun to notice peculiarities all around me, and this shouldn't be any coincidence, not surprise for that matter. "Please! All I did was dye my hair! I hardly get to dress the way I like can't I control my hair?" I looked up at my state approved bun and sighed in disappointment.

"You're lucky you're even allowed to speak in public you black plebeian. You've broken a policy, and you'll serve time for it, maybe more just because."

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