Chapter One

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Word Count: 3,125

The morning was silent, the sun not yet risen. There was pink along the hills of the horizon where the sun was to rise in an hour or so. I waited patiently for my friends to meet me here. We had agreed on dawn, but I had gotten here early due to lack of sleep the previous night. Being in the run from the government had a way of keeping one up at night. I thought about my escape from the death penalty. I smirked slightly as I thought about how mad the general would be when he went to escort me to the injection room and find that I wasn't there.

Soft footsteps on the grass peaked my attention and I watched the hill warily. Soon, a familiar face began to show over the crest of the hill. I pushed myself to my feet and walked over to meet my friends. There were no words spoken. We simply shook hands, they gave me a shot gun and ammunition, and a bag full of supplies. When I had gotten situated, we headed into the woods without a sound, the sun rising behind us.

We each knew how critical it was to be quiet as we made our way out of down and towards the Northern Border. I was sure that by now people would be out looking for me: soldiers, bounty hunters, and citizens alike. Soldiers and bounty hunters were looking to take me back, but I knew many citizens would look to help me make my escape. The revolution was blooming in the north and I was one of the few who had both military experience and knowledge to help bring down The General: Fernando Alcott. A former Lieutenant in his army, I lead thousands of successful raids, expanding his empire, but it was only recently when I came to the realization on how corrupt he was.

"Lieutenant Davidson, do come in," I remembered him saying when he called me to his office the one day. I felt proud of myself to become so successful that he wished to meet me himself. He sat in a leather chair at a large desk. He was facing the window studying the sunlight as it shone through the curtains.

"You summoned me, sir?"

"Yes, yes of course. Sit down, son. There's something we must discuss and I'm afraid you aren't going to like it." I sat in the padded chair across from him and the door shut behind me, the soft click of the lock made my hair stand on end. The General's demure face quickly morphed into a fixed expression and he turned to look at me.

"Have I done something wrong, sir?"

"No, and that's where the problem lies. You're a little, too good, don't you think?" My hands started to fidget playing with the zippers on my uniform.

"Sir?" The General stretched and stood, starting to pace the room.

"Lieutenant Davidson, you have done everything asked of your commanders, conquered miles of land, and rose through the ranks quickly. Wouldn't you think a little appreciation is due? That you deserve a promotion perhaps?" My mouth started to grow dry. Combat never made me this nervous, but there was something about the was The General talked; he praised my achievements while criticizing my every move. It put me on edge.

"General Alcott, what are you getting at?" He laughed, throwing his head back, shoulders shaking. Once it must have been a jolly laugh, one that would inspire others to laugh along, but now it seemed cold and calculating. Even thinking back on it sent shivers up my spine.

"Son, you know too much. Only my closest advisers are permitted to know the knowledge you know." He turned to the cabinet beside him and opened it up. "So, you'll be taking your leave." He turned, a revolver in his hand. "Here's one last little gift for you."

I felt the little round bullet in my pocket and turned it between my fingers as our group of three continued to hiked through the forest. I blinked a few times, taking in the surroundings I had previously ignored thinking about my meeting with the General. The morning sun gave everything a pale-yellow glow and had begun to melt the frost unprotected by shadows. The woods weren't overly thick which made it easy to walk and travel North, but were thick enough to hide us from enemies that were behind us.

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