Chapter Two

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Word Count: 3,956

One by one we jumped off of the train car and headed into the woods.  We walked silently through the trees, eyes and ears peeled. It would be a long hour of constantly checking behind our backs. While as far as we knew know one here knew about the escape, it would be likely that someone would recognize my face and report it. Even worse if a solider were to spot me. As the silent hour went on, I found myself reflecting on my relationship with Don.

We had always been classmates, just our luck I suppose. Being close neighbors really helped our friendship bloom. I was almost always hanging out with him when I had the chance. Most often we played war games and worked together to rescue our captured friend who was always played by Aaron. As we grew older we played football and did wrestling. Always inseparable. As high school progressed, we began to drift apart. He was into science and chemistry whereas I preferred math and gym. The last straw was when I left the day after graduation. I made him promise to take care of Aaron, he made me promise not to get myself killed. That was the last time we had spoke in a long time.

The next time was when I was lying gin a hospital bed. I had been shot in the shoulder in the previous battle and lost some blood because I refused to stop and get medical attention until the battle was over. I was just coming back from the anesthetic when I heard him say, "I thought you said you wouldn't get yourself killed." I was so glad to hear his voice. After that I had requested for him to be my division's medic. Years past and we grew to be as close as ever, leading the division to a string of victories.

We finally reached town, slightly bustling with people and soldiers moving this way and that. Collectively, we silently agreed to not stop. Even if no one knew I was here, it wouldn't take much for one of the soldiers to recognize my face. I didn't hide behind payed bodyguards like the General did.  I made sure my men knew who I was, what I stood for, and that I was willing to fight beside them, not behind them. 

We made our way through the back roads of town, keeping heads down and guns close. We didn't want to seem aggressive, but if we got into any trouble we needed access to them quickly. Luckily, we made it to the other side of town rather smoothly. We considered taking the road since it headed due North, but the risk of being seen was too great so we walked into the woods about a half mile before continuing North. This far away from the road, we couldn't hear traffic and traffic couldn't see us.

"Can we talk," Aaron muttered just loud enough for me to hear.

"About what? Is everything okay?" He smiled and almost laughed.

"I meant just in general. Like, is it safe?" I cracked a smile and looked around before nodded.

"I'd say so," I replied at a normal volume. We have to do something in order to keep ourselves entertained for the next two days.

"Just don't shout or anything stupidly loud," Don agreed, checking out the map once more.

"Hey," I said, thinking for a moment. "We're pretty far North, what's the weather look like?" Don shrugged.

"I'm offline and don't have the location turned on. Can't risk the government catching a hold this the GPS coordinates on this thing." He held the tablet up to show me. "If you want my guess I'd say it's supposed to get colder. It's only the beginning of fall now, but you know how easily the weather can change up here." I nodded, staring into the trees in though of what would happen if a surprise snow storm would happen to catch us out here before reaching the Northern Boarder.

"What if it get's too cold," Aaron questioned, voicing my concerns.

"Well, we take shelter, huddle together and try to stay warm."

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