Chapter Fifteen

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Word Count: 4,243

"So you're planning to do what?" I sighed and rubbed my forehead. Trying to explain my plan was almost like herding cats with all the indefinites and what ifs and uncertainties.

"Okay, basics of it first. There's another resistance group up north lead by Robyn's husband. They have about a thousand or so in numbers, but maybe more, we aren't sure. When we all finally get to camp and brief Alicia and Mike and everyone else of the plan. Then Emily and I are going to go find him and see if he's willing to offer us help. If he agrees to help, he and his men will launch one part of a three pronged attack."

"What if he doesn't agree to it?"

"Then we have to split ourselves into three parts."

"Why three? That just makes us smaller."

"We need to attack three locations. First, the boarders. This will provide a distraction and allow the second attack to sneak into the country unnoticed. According to multiple accounts there's a lot of suppressed support for our cause inside the country that will jump to help if someone is there to spark the fire and lead them into battle. While that's all going on another part of us take on the Training Grounds so their extra support from those still in training can't help and the ones on the front lines are still tied up with other small countries."

"Booth, this sounds like a triple suicide."

"Yeah, why can't we all just attack one place at once?"

"Robyn and Daniel tried that back when this was their rebellion and people died."

"This is war, people are going to die anyways."

"I know but we're trying to reduce casualties as much as possible. If we don't do this all at once it's not going to work."

"Are you sure?"

"Dead certain." The whole truck seemed to hold their breath. Small mutters were whispered as they began to finally catch on to my previous scatterbrained attempt at explaining the chaos that was going to happen.

"Well," Don started, the first clear voice in the whole conversation. I watched him intently as he leaned back and cocked his head to the side. "You're never wrong when it comes to your gut. Besides, we have nothing else and it's one hell of a plan. When we stop for the night I'll see if I can get a hold of Alicia and let her know that we at least have a plan. Good job Booth."

"Thanks." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, just glad to get it into the open and out of my head.

"No, thanks for stepping up again. We're glad to have you back." There were murmurs of agreement and slowly they moved away from the circle and back to the edges where they could site more comfortably. Emily moved from her spot in to front to sit and stare back from where we came leaving the front seat open for me to slide in next to Don.

"You really believe me? That this will all work?"

"Well I hope so. I meant what I said, by the way. I'm no leader, but you are and I'm glad you're back where you belong.

"Yeah, well I'm glad you're done being a dick." I elbowed Don and he laughed, running a hand across the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about, well, everything. I really don't have anything against Emily, it just seems that whenever something happens, she's there. I couldn't help but be suspicious about her, but I guess she's just the kind of person that coincidence follows." I chuckled, knowing that a lot of it really wasn't only coincidence.

"I know, but everything will come to light soon. We have more important things to do first." I trailed off, the lighthearted mood dissolving. Don nodded and kept driving, a new mist beginning to fall around the truck.

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