chapter 7

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Kenny's pov
i was wating for butters and ones he came i was so exited i was hoping the i can ask him to be my boyfriend. "Hay ken." he said with his cute smile that o love to see. "Hay Butter." " how is it going ken." Butters asked me i put my hod boun so he can understand me. "it is going go oh and my sister is with Craig and his sister so i can be out as long as i want." i said with a smile. this intier time we where talking we wee on are way to the party. "that is cool and how is your sis." "she is good she came out to me about her being a lesbean i hauged her and toaled her that i love her and that i alwaes will and then i took her out to dinner to selabrat." i said thanking about how happy i was that she told me that and how proued i was that she can do that. "wow that is alsome i am so glad that she is happy now know and do you know if she has a gf."  "yah she is dating ruby Craig sister they are good for echother." i smiled. "that is amasing i Kyle oues me ten bukes." "what what." "oh yah he thankes that keren whouled ind up with a nother person that i dont know the name of and i sead that she was going to end up with ruby and then he sead bet and then i sead if i when you have to give me ten buckes." he souneds so happy that he wan. "we are here ken." "ok cool." the moment we walk in to the party somthin weared happend. 

hay so i know that it has been a long time and i am vary sorry about that it is just that i had a lot of testing and end of the year stuff for school and one of my pets pased away the other day but she lived a long life for the tip of pet she was and now she is in a beter plaes. but with that said i hope you all have a good time and that you have liked my story and the next part will be that part that evredety has been wating for. And I am sorry for my spelling I am not good at spelling. Love you all

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