Chapter 12

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(The picture is what I made so I hope you like it)

Craigs POV

We made it to the roof. "Ketten come to daddy please." I said to tweek he then craled to me and sat in my lap. "Yes daddy." He said with the cutest look on his face. "Baby do you feel comfortable with Kenny and Butters up here with us." He nods. I then pull on his heart hop on his Coller and breng him up to my lips. I kissed hip deeply and passionately he of course kissed back. When we were done tweek pulled on the Sleeve of my sweatshirt "yes ketten." "Daddy can we talk to Kenny and butters." I smiled. "Yes ketten we can." "Kenny come over here." I see him get up but butters crall right next to him. "Whats up Craig." "Tweek whanted to talk to you to." "Oh ok what is up tweek." Tweek looked up at me to see if you could talk to him. "Yes ketten you may speak." He nods. "Thank you daddy." "Um what are your rules."

Time skip to after there talk

Kenny's POV
    We got Done talking and school was almost out. "Do you to whant to stay the night at my place and yes tweek you are coming you basically live with me now." I see him nod in the corner of my eye after Craig said that. "Shere why not." My bunny was on my lap snuggling into my neck and I fell him nod. All four of us got up and walked to the bon to the front of the school. "So what are we going to do." I asked wall my bunny was holding my hand and had his other hand resting on my arm. "I don't know watch some movies play some video games maybe play some board games and of course play with stripe." He said looking at his kitten who was extremely excited to see stripe. "Ok cool."

Ones thay got to Craigs home

Tweek grand my bunny and ran into the house. I giggled slightly at how cute it was."what do you thank those two are up to Craig." He smirks. "Well I know tweek has his lashes up in my room and he loves to play with stripe so problem puting on the lashes and playing with stripe." I looked at him and smirked "then we should Harry to them shouldn't we." He nods and we walk to Craigs room. When I opened the door I see my bunny sitting in the middle on the room with a baby blue crop top and black shorts his caller I gave him with a leash on it and his black knee high socks he looked sooooo hot.

Craigs POV

Kenny walks into my room first then stopped. I slightly moved him and saw my kitten in a baby green crop top black shorts and baby green knee high socks his choker with a leach and strip on his head. So fucken cute I look over to see butters in almost the exact same thang but baby blue he looked cute to. Kenny finally got back to normal. We walked to the bottoms and sat down. Kenny pulled his hood down and unzip his jacket. Tweek craled over to me and sat on my lap he then lend in and liked my ear. This of course trend me one and I grabbed his leash pulling him close to me. "Oh kitten you seem to be Eger for daddy." I whisperd in his ear. "Yes daddy I am I really whant you please." I smirked and kissed him pashanitly.

Kennys POV

I felt Butter sit on my lap and kiss me I kissed him back pulling him closer to me he was now sitting on my member. "Master I need you." He whispered to me while grinding on me slightly.

Hey all it is bunny and I wanted to let you know that the next chapter is going to be a smut chapter and please don't judge me I do what I what and if you don't like it you don't have to read but I love you all and I hope you have a good night or day.

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