iii. odessa

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iii. odessa
foolish choices!


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DUSK SLOWLY APPROACHED THE HORIZON'S BORDER AND DREW THE DAY TO A CLOSE FOR THE TRAVELLING FAMILIES. Odessa's coffee iris' stared at the open fire in front of her. Across the pit, Cassian's large figure was visible behind the open blaze. Flames licking the side of his face due to the light breeze that spread through the clearing.

Odessa could hear the jovial laugh of Robert Baratheon from his place inside the tavern, her father, Lord Stark and the Queen along with her children were all inside as well. Unfortunately, Odessa had a perfect view of Sansa staring dreamily at Joffrey - the pairing alone made her feel slightly queasy, she didn't need to see it in action. She could also see Arya and Persephone sharing bored looks from across the table before leaving the room altogether. And from what she had gathered, Jaime had taken this stop as his chance to get an early night to rest his body from being on a horse for the past 2 days. Puffing her cheeks out with air and slowly breathing out, the young girl took note of Cassian's activity from across the fire.

The seventeen year old was holding a thin piece of dirty string between his calloused fingers. Hazel eyes, dancing back and forth between the two ends. It seemed as though he was attempting to tie it in as many knots as possible and undo them. It was a common thing for the bastard to do - mainly when the boy felt uncomfortable or nervous. Odessa's heart bled for how her half-brother must feel. Terrified of people finding out his heritage and trying to fit into a family in which the first and third eldest members either ignored him or berated him just for existing. His own father, the one who welcomed him to stay with him takes more notice and care for their kitchen staff than his own son. He may not be Adorella's child but he's more hers than Cassian ever was to Niklaus.

Frowning at the melancholic thoughts, Odessa found her mind wandering once again this week to a certain Lannister - not Jaime - but Steffon.

She had noticed that the youngest Lannister seemed to actively avoid the majority of his family - opting to ride further forward than many of the knights accompanying the group. And if he wasn't doing that, he'd often leave to go hunting. Odessa, not knowing the vivid history of the Lannister family found it a tad odd but she herself could almost relate - due to her and Persephone's relationship being almost nonexistent. Sighing faintly, she saw a golden flash of hair making its way into the woods. Deciding to go and talk to the boy, Odessa stood up, brushing the light amount of dirt off of her red dress and swiftly followed after the disgraced Lannister.

Ignoring the weird look she received from Cassian, Odessa stepped over a large log ridden with damp moss and wandered down the leaf-strewn path. Although Odessa had expressed her dislike towards the cold since the start of the journey; she couldn't deny that north was a very pretty place. Noticing a faint footprint veering to the right and further in the dark forest, Odessa followed it in hopes to confront the boy.

𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒,                                GAME OF THRONES (OH.)Where stories live. Discover now