c h a p t e r t w o

45 5 2

Jimin POV

I spoke up without thinking

How about 'here'?

No, I need to find something easier to say

My heart is beating so loudly



"What is it?" Jungkook asks. He had an unmoving stare planted on his face.

I made him mad

What do I do?

Ah, the flash drive.

"Uh H-here..." I whispered.

I hand Jungkook the flash drive as I turned my head down. I was super embarrassed! I couldn't even stop myself from stuttering in front of him!

"Oh..." he started,


I couldn't take the embarrassment anymore.

I bowed 90 degrees

"Sorry!" I yelped and tried to run off, but...

But a certain someone stopped me.

"Hey!" He yelled,

"I was so worried when I lost this. Please, let me thank you" he sounded sincere.

But was he?

"Th-th-th-that's o-okay!" I shout, utterly embarrassed.

Ah, I just shouted at him....that's embarrassing

I clutch onto my bag and run away, afraid of what he might say next.

That was horrible

So embarrassing!

He will always think of me as a weirdo now!


I run into the locker room and slam to door shut. I leaned myself onto my locker door and start sobbing quite loudly.

"Why did I stumble that much..." I mumbled,

I bet he hates me

He must think I'm weird

I rub my hands over my now wet face as they start pouring out of my eyes

Why did it have to be in front of Jungkook?


Guys if you're wondering why there are so many italics it's cause they're meant for thoughts and important things

Hope that helps

And I saw someone add this book into their reading list named amazeballs unfinished stories and I'm like noooooooo

Ok lol I'll leave now


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