c h a p t e r t h r e e

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He ran off...

was he scared of me? i feel like the bad guy in this scenario.

i want to properly thank him but its feel awkward, right?

i tunrn on my computer and start getting onto task. no use procrastinating, but my mind keeps wandering to that janitor. he ran back into the building, so he must work here. but, in which department?

"jungkook-ssi!" taehyung  called out.

"could you mangae the expenses for the event?" he asked. of course hes gonna ask me to do it. im the closest worker he could put off his work to.

nonetheless, i agree

:sure, ill manage it then send them off"

i look over the papers he handed me. should be easy enogub.

:by the way..." he starts.

"everyone at the office is getting together for a sports event? and we were hoping you would join us, what fo you say?"

"no, thanks" i deadpanned

i dont enjoy those kind of events, i just like to sit down at home, finish my work, then get ready for the next day.

"i though tso..." he mumbled

"but kookieeeeeee"

"this is the only event where evryone in the office gets together!! the guards and secretaries usually dont have offices near the office workers so we barely know themmmmm!"

how many times does he need to ask? i already said no.

nevermind, this is just Taehyung-ssi being Taehyung.


if he knows about the secretaries and guards, he might know something about that janitor.

"... and everyone is asking me to invite you too!"


"The venue and labor fees are off, can you fix them?" I asked. They were only a little off, but better safe than sorry.

I hand him the papers neatly in a folder and he runs off to his cubicle.

Well, if he works here, then I'll bump into him eventually.

That's what I thought, but...
I haven't updated this story is so long..... I'm sorry everyone > <

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