c h a p t e r f i v e

47 5 1

Author pov.

Jimin tried to run away, but his book falls out in the process,
"Mmf" Jimin mumbles
"Hey!" Jungkook shout
As his book falls, it splatters in a muddy puddle, getting Jungkook's pants a bit wet in the process.
"I-I-I'm s-sorry!" Jimin yelps out, utterly embarrassed
"I-I will p-p-pay f-for th-the cleaning f-f-fee..." he offered.
"it's okay, more importantly, here you go" Jungkook assures and hands Jimin the drenched book.
Violin? Can he play an instrument? Jungkook thought.
"Sorry...Ngh...you got your hands wet" Jimin whimpered slightly.
He pulled a plaid handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Jungkook.
"It's fine" He says,
Wasn't I supposed to run away? What am I doing now? Jimin thought.
"Are you ok?" Jungkook asks
"What's the matter, why are you sitting here?"
Jimin couldn't answer. It felt as if he was drowning.
"Hmm" Jimin starts breathing heavily, not knowing what to do.
"M-m-missed!" Jimin exclaimed
Missed what? Jungkook thought
"I m-missed th-th-the last t-train a-and I-I don't h-have a-a-any m-money, I-I th-thought I w-w-would wait h-here until m-morning"
"Oh, let me call you a cab" He offered
Hmm, I can easily call him a cab, but...
"You'll catch a cold at this rate, I live nearby, so why don't you take shelter there for now?" He asks.
Eh?! Jimin thought.
"It's within walking distance, but since it's raining, we'll take a cab" Jungkook say as he opens his umbrella.
Returning a lost item shouldn't warrant that big of a favor... Jimin thought.
The cab pulls in and Jungkook is now opening the door for Jimin,
"Get in" Jungkook says,
Jimin sighs and runs across the road, into the distance
Um..... are you enjoying the chaos so far??

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