Chapter 8- Surprise Surprise

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“I’m sorry I can’t see, that you truly love me!” Carolyn and I screamed simultaneously.

She sat leaning against my bed and I was hanging upside down from the top. We’d been listening to Pierce The Veil’s Collide With The Sky album since she got here and did bits and pieces of our homework.

“Have you spoken to Luke lately?” Carolyn asked.

“Not since our last Skype call”

“So two weeks then?”

“Yes,” I agreed.

A knock came from downstairs but neither of us moved, “Chris!” I shouted.

“I got it!” I heard him call back.

“How’s Lillian taking the pregnancy?” she asked.

“Oh! I’ve got to show you something,” I said, falling off my bed then I scrambled to my desk.

I handed her the ultrasound photo and she smiled, “isn’t this a little odd though?”


“Having your step mum’s ultrasound photo on your desk?”

“No! That’s my little sister,” I objected.

“Half sister,” she corrected.

“Fuck you and your logic,” I said then poked my tongue out at her.

“You’re such a child”

“I am a child,” I said then did it again.

“Lacy,” Chris said knocking on my door. “There’s something downstairs for you,” he said.

I groaned and got to my feet, helping Carolyn up after. When I got to the top of the staircase I saw two girls, one with her back to me and I didn’t recognise the other.

“Hello?” I asked, the one with her back to me turning around. “Jezzy!” I screamed, thundering down the stairs then practically jumped on her as I hugged her as tight as I could. “What are you doing here?” I asked, pulling away from her.

“Hello to you to Lacy my dear. How are you?” she teased with a big smile.

“I’m very well thank you. And yourself?”

“I’m just dashing,” she smiled. “And to answer you previous question, I am on spring break so my friend Francesca and I decided to travel back to the country of my birth,” I couldn’t stop the smile on my face as I punched her arm.

“You never texted,” I told her then crossed my arms over my chest.

“The smile on your face gives your actions no power”

“I don’t care. You never texted”

“That would be my fault,” the girl, Francesca, piped up.


“Sì,” she confirmed.

“Lacy meet Francesca. She’s in my dance course,” Jezzy said, holding her new friend’s shoulders as she stood behind her.

“Nice to meet you,” I smiled.

“Likewise,” she said, her thick accent making it hard to understand her.

“Guys this is Carolyn,” I said, dragging her down the other half of the stairs. “Carolyn, this is Jezzy and Francesca”

“Hi,” she said, making herself some sweater paws.

“Where are you guys staying?” I asked.

“My place. Mum was able to convince Francesca to travel over so she could meet her”

“You’re Italian, right?” Carolyn asked.

A big smile broke out onto her face, “yes”

“Dove in Italia è nato?”


“Do you know what either of them are saying?” I whispered into Jezzy’s ear.

“No clue,” she whispered back.

“I asked where in Italy was she born,” Carolyn explained.

“Oh,” I spoke.

“She answered with Rome”

“Alright. Whose hungry?”

“Me!” the other three shouted.

“Dad!” I shouted.


“Can we order pizza?”

“Have you done your homework?”

“Half. I’ll do the other half tonight”


“How many?”

“One for Lillian and I and one for Markus. He’ll be getting home from Daniel’s soon”



A/N- sorry for the lack of updates but you're about to get a wave of them. I'm trying to finish this story ASAP so don't get mad at the mass of updates coming your way. Anyway...wave one has started. 

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