Chapter 23- Morning Sunshine

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“Lacy! Lacy! Lacy!” Markus screamed from above me as he jumped on my bed.

“What? What? What? I’m trying to sleep,” I groaned.

“There’s something on TV that you have to see,” he said then jumped off my bed.

“Let me sleep,” I moaned into my mattress.

“No!” he shouted then grabbed my wrist, pulling me out of bed.

“Fine I’m up!” I told him then sleepily followed him out of my room and down the stairs.

“Play it,” Markus ordered.

“So Luke. How are you and Lacy?” my awareness spiked up and my eyes dashed to the TV.

“We’re amazing,” he smiled.

“I see you keep fiddling with the ring on your finger. Did lacy get that for you?”


“So it was from a fan?”

“No,” he chuckled. “It’s apart of a set. I got the set for Lacy and I they day before I left”

“Awe!” the crowed cooed.

“Was it a parting gift?” the female interviewer asked.

“Sort of. It was our six months the day before I left”


“Yeah. I haven’t been the best boyfriend since the tour started though”

“What have you done Luke?”

“I’ve been slacking with the communication. But she’s so patient with me and so forgiving. She probably one of the best things that’s ever happened to me and I wouldn’t change a second of it,” the crowd started cooing again and I felt myself start to get teary.

“Awe,” Markus teased.

“Shut up,” I said as I wiped my eyes.

I took a deep breath, “so you love her?” the interviewer asked.

“Definitely. With every fibre of my being,” I felt butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach and I bit my lip.

“I need to call him,” I said then ran up the stairs.

To My Sexy Lucas- you busy?

From My Sexy Lucas- nope

To My sexy Lucas- wanna Skype?

From My Sexy Lucas- already got my laptop open ☺♥

I opened my laptop and saw he was already calling, “hello beautiful,” he smiled.

“Hi. Sorry I’m such a mess but I just woke up,” I said and covered my face.

“I still think you’re beautiful,” he said and I felt myself blush.

“Fuck you and your charm,” I told him.

“I try,” he smirked.

“I saw the interview,” I told him.

“Which one?”

“The one where you spoke about the ring,” I saw him blush and look away.


“Yeah. Markus woke me up to watch it”

“Well I owe him big time”

“Carolyn also owes you”

“For what?”

“For Calum”

“Oh that. I think he likes her. He’s spoken about her a few times”

“That’s awesome. We also found someone for Mike”

“Well aren’t you just the greatest match maker ever?”

“She’s Italian,” was all I said.

“Yeah ok. He’s going to love her”

“She loves pizza and is obsessed with your band,” I smiled.

“What’s her name?”

“Francesca. She’s pretty hot but ya know…I’m straight,” I shrugged.

“Not with a sentence like that you’re not”

“You’re probably the only reason I’m still straight”

“And the fact that you cover your eyes when boobs come on the TV,” he chuckled.

“So do you!” I shouted and saw him blush.

“I’m protecting myself from being hit”

“Why would you get hit?”

“If I was checking out another girl you’d hit me. So, I don’t look”

“I know you look. I look. Everyone looks but you just better not do

“I promised I’d stay faithful didn’t I?”

I opened my mouth to speak but attached my filter, “I’m not even going to reply”

“Why not?”

“I am filtering my mouth,” I said then he scoffed and burst out laughing. “What?”

“You? Filtering your mouth? You swear like there’s no tomorrow in front of children”

“Well…shut up!”

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