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I walk into our shared room and there you are, crying yet again. You look up swiftly, noting who walked in and look back down to wipe away those stray droplets of water rolling down your cheeks and neck. God, you are so beautiful. Your eyes meet mine and you fake a smile, though convincing it's not. I smile back anyway. It's okay, Jungkook. You don't have to fake your happiness with me. I can handle the good and the bad. I want to. I try to tell you with my eyes, but you don't seem to understand. I want to hug you so badly. I want to hold you so tightly, I want to tell you you'll be okay, but I can't. I know you don't want me to. You can only think about her. Can I blame you? Of course not. She's stunning. She's possibly the most astounding girl I have ever seen. Though that's just the outside. The inside is sadly a different story. You just found out too late. You were already trapped in her web of lies, star-struck by everything she feigned in her eyes. I won't hold you tonight. I can't. I might tomorrow.


Taehyung came into the room so I quickly wipe away my tears. I smile at him, though I'm pretty sure he already noticed that I've been crying. He smiles back, but he seems pained as if he cares I'm sad. He doesn't. He never asks me what's wrong and he never tries to cheer me up. I don't blame him, though. He shouldn't be responsible for my happiness. He shouldn't be the one responsible for cheering me up. You are supposed to be there for me. You aren't supposed to leave me like this. You are supposed to cheer me up. But you never do. So I guess I'll never be happy.

I don't mean to sound ungrateful. I am so glad we're together. But we're only together as the term, meaning we're a couple. We're never actually with each other. Maybe physically, but not for anything else.


Deep into the night, your sobs have finally quieted down and I'm pretty sure you have fallen asleep. I turn on the small lamp on my bedside table and the soft yellow glow is just bright enough to show your face. The sight makes my heart ache. Your cheeks are red and your face a bit swollen. You're still an angel, but a fallen one. I hope you sleep tight, Jungkook. And I hope you're happy in your dreams. You deserve it. You deserve the world. Even if I can't give it to you.

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