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2 years ago

Paige's POV

I was walking through the desert in Vacuo towards my home when I saw a strange black gooey substance writhing in the sand, as it always had before, my curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to whatever it was. When I got closer to it, the writhing mass leaped at me and somehow got absorbed into my body.

"Well hello there Paige," A kind feminine voice said inside of my head.

"What the hell are you,"

"I'm a symbiote, my name is Visage,"

"So this is symbiotic, so I get something out of this too,"

"Yeah, I make sure you stay alive and gift you some new abilities and you are my host."

"Cool, what do you like to eat,"

"The souls of the innocent,"

"Okay so a bagel,"

"My last host said the same thing,"

"Wait, what happened to your other host,"

"She ki- you know what, it doesn't matter,"


I walked home, talking to Visage, who she now nicknamed V, the whole time

Present Day

Paige's POV

I was finally at Beacon, the school for huntsman and huntresses in the kingdom of vale. It was my first day, and I saw this short girl with black hair fading into red at the tips and silver eyes run into a girl with white hair and light blue eyes and knock over her dust containers.

"You dolt, do you know who I am,"

"Some crazy bitch with a superiority complex," I said from behind her which made her jump in surprise at my  voice.

"No, I'm Weiss Schnee,"

"Schnee, Schnee, nope, never heard of you,"

"How about you leave these two alone, Schnee," a girl with black hair and a bow that seemed to twitch a couple times, I could also smell a cat faunus nearby when she came near.

"Bye ice queen," I said with a smirk on my face.

"Thank you so much, My name's Ruby, what's yours,"

"Paige, nice to meet you, it cool if I call you Rubes,"

"That's my nickname for her, you can't call her that," A blonde with red eyes and her hair seemingly on fire yelled at me and I couldn't help but think, Oh no she's hot.

"Paige, this is Yang, my sister,"

"Hi Y- hi Yang I- h-hi Yang I'm Paige," I stuttered more than I would like too.

"Nice to meet you Paige, we should probably get going,"

"Yeah let's go," I said with a large blush on my face. The group walked to the auditorium where Professor Ozpin gave a speech which I honestly ignored instead to look at yang.

V: Hey Paige, you like her don't you

Quiet V, let me look at the hot lady in peace,

V: Nah it's more fun like this

V you're supposed to be a jacket, not an annoying wing woman

V: Hey I am the best wing woman

Sure you are.

The two of us kept bickering in my mind until Ruby grabbed my arm and pulled me into a ballroom where all the girls were on the ground talking, reading, or sleeping. I noticed the girl with black hair who I assumed was a cat faunus reading a book.

"You mind if I sit here," I asked and without looking at me she nodded and I sat next to her. I leaned in close to her bow to stop people from hearing. "You're a cat faunus right,"

"Y-yeah," she stuttered, "How did you know."

"I saw your bow twitch and could smell a cat when you were close by," I said with another whisper, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She stared at me in disbelief, but then leaned her head on my shoulder and continued to read her book. I felt heat rise up my neck and into my face at the action. "She's so cute," I thought out loud quietly.

"Oh you think so, and what is your name, I never got it, also mine's blake,"

"My name's Paige," the two of us sat for a moment before Yang pulled Ruby over to us and I overheard her and Weiss have an argument while I thought about how if somebody said they only tell lies and  that it makes no damn sense. Eventually I fell asleep in a corner away from everybody else while wrapping my tail around my left leg.


Thanks for reading, sorry if this is all just shitty dialogue.

Visage: Fem Symbiote OC x RWBY (Discontnued)Where stories live. Discover now