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Paige's POV

I woke up late at night to hear V singing and took a swing through the city with V. V's black goo wrapped around my body, forming a suit with a hood. I gave her control, and we swung through the city to the edge where I saw a house on fire; I took control from V, while staying in the suit. I ran into the house and grabbed a young girl with her dog and ran out the house.

"My moms are still in there,"

"It's okay, I'll get them out safe." I ran in and saw two women laying on the floor passed out. I grabbed them both and ran out of the house. I grabbed the little girl and swung to the hospital to get the girl's moms to the ER. I dropped the mask but kept the suit and walked the two women in and told the doctors to get them help. The little girl grabbed my hand and thanked me. I hugged her and left her in the doctor's care. I swung back to Beacon and when I got to the ballroom I had forgotten to tell V to get off. I saw Blake awake and staring at the writhing mess on top of me. I walked toward her but she backed away out of fear.

"V, get off," I said as V merged back into my body.


"Hey Blake, please tell no one about how my suit works,"

"Paige, what was that thing,"

"That was V, she is a symbiote and is just in my head a lot," At that V showed her face out of my shoulder.

"Holy shit, that is both cool and terrifying,"

"Yeah, but nobody can know about her,"

"The outfit she gives you, in the suit or not, is hot,"

"You think I'm hot,"

"Shut up,"

"Fine, lets just go to sleep," the two of us went to sleep and the next morning I woke up to the sound of screaming. I opened my eyes to see everyone staring at me, and then I noticed the feeling of V around my body in the suit. I got up and ran to the locker room and grabbed Oblivion Garnet, then ran to the cliff Ozpin told us to meet at. I had V take off the mask. I saw Ozpin waiting as I walked up to the platforms where I was the only student at the cliff. Ozpin looked at me for a second before looking away from me.

"Ms. Violet, you have a silver eye," the comment shocked me, but I ignored it and looked for any other students came over, and I saw Blake. Who walked over and stood next to me and smiled. We waited while the other students came and all the girls except Yang and Ruby stayed away from me. I got launched into the air and used V to swing down and land safely. As I landed, I saw a girl land nearby with silver hair and black eyes, we made eye contact and walked toward each other, making our way toward where Ozpin told us the relics would be. We saw a singular piece, a queen piece, we grabbed it and I grabbed the silver haired girl, or Robbyn, as she told me, and swung back to the cliff where Ozpin and Ms. Goodwitch were waiting for the students.

"Ah Miss Violet, Miss Tsukumi, you two are both impressive young ladies, you two head back to the campus and we'll meet up with you later." We walked back to the campus and to the cafeteria because I randomly felt like eating. We ate and when the announcement came, we went to the auditorium to get placed into our teams. We waited for our team and when Oz called us up, it was just the two of us, which surprised everyone until he explained that we found the queen piece, so we got a team with just the two of us. We went to our room afterwards, and I slept until school the next day.


This still probably sucks, so sorry about my bad writing, but thanks for reading.

Visage: Fem Symbiote OC x RWBY (Discontnued)Where stories live. Discover now